Jack's Smirking Revenge
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wow, sandtrooper.......who knew eh?

wow, sandtrooper.......who knew eh?

I do hope the exclusive is the orange pauldron but I could actually see that being the SDCC Ex this year.
What gun is that anyway he's holding? It doesn't look familiar.
If the pauldron or rifle isn't the exclusive, I'll bet its one of the floating droid things added to the Special Edition.
MG15 did not see it much in the films
Was it even in ANH?
Obviously they'll save the T-21 for the Orange Pauldron.
I think a 1/6 Dewback was possible in Jabba fashion but since Jabba was rotting their shelves I don't think SSC is looking towards it in all reality not to mention the pricepoint on it sice Jabba was a long time ago and I don't think they'd market it as under $200