Yeah, they probably would have made the silly SE Dewbacks anyway and not one of these hairy bad boys.

Ok, Sideshow, enough now. Bring us some non-troopers, please. Lando, Dooku, droids, anything,but please, no more Storm/clone trooper variants for a while.
Ok, Sideshow, enough now. Bring us some non-troopers, please. Lando, Dooku, droids, anything,but please, no more Storm/clone trooper variants for a while.
Ok, Sideshow, enough now. Bring us some non-troopers, please. Lando, Dooku, droids, anything,but please, no more Storm/clone trooper variants for a while.
Stupid iPhone! All I get on the preview page is a blue Lego block with a question mark inside.
Anyway, I'm cutting back on 1/6 figures, but I'll be getting one these guys. Already have the Hasbro dewback, although it could use a repaint.