No mention of the ES in the newsletter, that is odd.
I noticed. I agree it is a little odd.
saruman being at dol guldur, I just wondered what happens?
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ES 400. Less than 40 remain at this post time!
I just wanted to order but - like always - they enforce you to use a credit card which aren't really widespread here in germany thus I don't own one....
I just wanted to order but - like always - they enforce you to use a credit card which aren't really widespread here in germany thus I don't own one....
Do you have a debt card? Prepaid Visa/MC?
It would help if SS did the PayPal thing at some point.
Only real benefit for CC to me is when you have to dispute a charge and have the company fight it out for you.
They accept check/money order payments also, but not sure if that is US only or they would do that for you also.
Hi Ral, are you getting one? ES was released Monday or Tuesday which took us all by surprise. 400 is the lowest EX so far in this line, although the total combined is right in line with the 1000-1500 average.
I am going to have to pass. I am missing several things right now. I am just too broke, haha. Plus, I am not a big fan of sauroman. Now, if they make an Isildur, prologue elf, numenorian, hobbit elf from rivendell, Elendil or fountain guard, I am in. Or, if someone would make a dol amorth numenorian, I would be all over that one.
A PF of any of the above would be awesome! Somebody has to make these statues at some point.
I agree that wish list will remain just that. But I don't know that Saruman is a heavy hitter either. I will likely end up getting this because it pairs so well with GTG PF and the environments, but Saruman is not among the most compelling characters to me.