It may look like manipulation but there could be an honest reason behind it.
I bet we would have had a legit explanation a long time ago if there was one to be had.
It may look like manipulation but there could be an honest reason behind it.
I bet we would have had a legit explanation a long time ago if there was one to be had.
You are probably right, or they simply don't want to discuss that side of the business because, inevitably, someone would find something to pick on. I'm just playing "What if...".
I bet we would have had a legit explanation a long time ago if there was one to be had.
Ahh, yes, Sideshow, the great communicators.
What's the official status of the Lord of the Rings line, well.......
Disney PF's, any word in the past 2 years........
Hobbit statues, wouldn't that be great.....
Sideshow will only tell you what they want you to know and only when they want you to know it. Any other time it's minor riddles that actually tell you nothing or complete silence.
...Hobbit statues, wouldn't that be great...
A lie is a lie is a lie... Even if it's just business
Of course it could always be things have happened that prevent the SS Hobbit Pf line from happening. Just sayin...
If it were out of their hands it would be nice to get a heads up. I just hope we don't get another "right after SDCC" this year then months of nothing.
Thing I've learned is sometimes in business you can say why things happen. It sucks but it is what it is.
lol seriously…the THIRD movie is gonna come out and they haven't done a thing, no teaser, nothing..wth are they waiting for the end credits of the third movie?? lol how many avengers related things have we seen? Its neglectful they do this..give people something uk?
Well, look how popular and how long after the new Batman movies are out and other than Hot Toys, SS themselves don't have anything out yet, 1/6, Maq, PF, props, nothing. I don't know why we don't see 2-3 preorders up for each Hobbit movie when they were each released. Makes no sense to me.
I honestly don't get that either..the Dark Knight came out in 08… 6 years later and nothing from SS? But the way that I see that its different with the Hobbit is that they announced that Hobbit collectibles were coming soon…well when already you know? I think its pretty safe to assume that the product will sell better/faster when or around the movie release..not years after