Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Also in 1976, I went to what was called Imagicon '76 in San Francisco. It was there that I met Roddy McDowall. Here's the flyer I still have for the event:






That is me wearing the red down jacket. For reasons I don't remember, I didn't dress up for this con. I think that I was just too nervous meeting him.


I had him sign the same posterbook that Mark Lenard signed, an 8x10 press still of POTA TV show, and for some strange reason, the POTA TV tie-in book #4 Lord of the Apes:


That is him signing it in this picture.


This was the final picture I took before we had to leave. As you can see he is relaxing a bit without his glasses and smoking a cigarette.


This is the only autograph I have been able to find. The others are in boxes I still have stored at my parents attic somewhere.


Looking back, I find it amazing that he was even there in the first place. He lved in the L.A. Area, he RARELY attended conventions and this one was held at a high school! And that high school was within driving distance from my house! What are the odds?

It was a great time that I'll never forget.
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Wow, some really awesome memories there PZ. Thank you very much for sharing. Your gorilla outfit is very cool and I don't think it is weird at all that your son wants to wear it on Halloween. You should be flattered.
I'm actually more than flattered. I get a lump in my throat thinking about imy son wearing it.

When I said weird I didn't mean " :cuckoo:" but more like "where has the time gone by" kind of weird. I just can't believe my son is now the same age I was when I was going to those conventions dressed up!
Great shots PZ! You sure do have some great memories of your encounters with the actors from the Apes TV series and the extra bonus of Mark Leonard and his work in "Star Trek" over the years.

You're right about time flying, I've been thinking about that a lot having two adult sons. It seems like only a few years ago when I was their age.

Growing old, is, at times, mind blowing.
Wow. Thanks for sharing the photos and the memories.

I remember thinking back then how awesome it would be to meet other people that liked sci-fi as much as me.


I would have loved to meet more of my childhood "icons/idols" but most have passed by now or it would not be how I want to think of them as they are now.
Did get to meet Mark Goddard once. Really nice guy who genuinely seemed impressed that someone wanted to meet him.
NECA has posted some preliminary POTA teasing on their facebook page.
Please go there and ask/insist they make some POTA in 1:6!!
NECA has posted some preliminary POTA teasing on their facebook page.
Please go there and ask/insist they make some POTA in 1:6!!

This is some awesome news! Finally some great POTA figures to be released. Saw the photo and I'm a huge POTA fan too. Just such classic films. So hopefully we'll see more pics soon along with a Pre-Order to go right up. :pray:
If only we could tell how big those squares are. Then we would know the scale. If they are 1/2" would that make the weapons 1:6 scale?
Well, I finally got around to getting a scanner for my computer so I was able to scan some VERY old pictures of me hitting the Star Trek Conventions in the mid-'70's.

Here is my first encounter with an ape personality... Mark Lenard. I had him sign an POTA TV series posterbook. He told me I was the ONLY person with Ape memorabilia for him to sign.


Here's the second time I met Mark... this time in my Don Post Gorilla mask and homemade general costume. I mentioned to Mark that this was the second time meeting him and he actually remembered signing the posterbook! VERY cool!



He signed it "To Mike, My Best, Mark Lenard "Urko". I still have that costume and mask. My son wants to wear it this Halloween. VERY weird.

Here are some random pictures of me with other convention goers:




Yep, this is definitely during the dark era of cosplay.

amazing pictures and history. thanks for sharing.

And did you also meet George Takei?
amazing pictures and history. thanks for sharing.

And did you also meet George Takei?

No... not at that Con. I did see George in previous cons (I went to about 4-5 cons within the mid 70's) along with other Trek actors when they took to the stage for their Q & A sessions. I remember once George mentioning how he really enjoyed jogging around the Bay Area before the con. But I never actively sought out any of their signatures.

If you look really carefully, in the background of this picture you can see famous sci-fi author, Harlan Ellison, the man who wrote "The City on the Edge of Forever" episode of Star Trek.


Interestingly enough, Fanlore has a page on these cons I went to in the Bay Area. According to the info on that page I went to Space Cons 1-3. The first picture of Mark Lenard was from Space Con 2 and the ones where I'm in costume was from Space Con 3. I remember watching the trailer (in full Ape Costume) for a new film called "Star Wars" and was thrilled to see that they were going to have apes in that film as well. That "ape" I saw turned out to be a certain Wookiee. Little did I know that Mark Hamill was in attendance... just milling about with the other fans during that convention. I wonder if he saw me in my Ape costume?

Here's the link:
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PZ thank you for sharing those amazing photos! How neat that you got to meet those celebrities...and you raised your son correctly if he wants to wear to don the ape gear!!

Don't hold your breath, guys, but I am thinking of sculpting these guys!! I think I can do it...It will be awesome to own these figures:

With SO many of these figures flooding the market, I guess it was just a matter of time before the POP sculptors made their way to Ape City...


I guess they are due in stores this November. What with NECA's new POTA line coming, these figures are an easy pass for me.

Besides... I think they look kind of creepy.
The stylized Pop!Funko figures are definitely an acquired taste, but I find them appealing (and very addictive), personally. I have about a dozen of the Marvel and DC heroes grouped together, and they always garner interest and smiles from those who see them. Thanks for posting the pics, as I hadn't seen them before. I'll definitely be picking those up.
updated my custom 1/6 Rebel Ape.
used a regular male head sculpt and shaved with a drimmel the whole surface then removed the face and added fake hair/fur. Leaving a hole where the human face was once at.
Then removed original Cornelius face from head sculpt by Sideshow
and added to fur head sculpt.

Sideshow's Ape head sculpts are actually pretty well sculpted and adding hair they look almost like hot toys


