Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Some clues might be found in the numbering of the cards already released.

John Landon #1 of 9
Lt. Steward #3 of 9
Dr. Milo #5 of 9
General Ursus #7 of 9
Chief Marcus #8 of 9

I'm assuming that #2 is going to be an astronaut. Since the likeness of Heston is now an issue, I'm thinking that it will be Dodge.

I'm also thinking that #4 might be Dr. Zaius since he is probably the most important ape in the story since he and an unnamed surgeon were the ones that went to work on poor Landon. Could the surgeon (with a new christened name) be one of the cards as well?

Also one of the books talked about in the Conspircy series concerns Taylor and his first run in with the mutants, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the later cards is Mendez or Ongaro.

I would agree with Dodge as #2. Although if this is Landon's story "after" the hunt I wouldn't have expected to see Dodge or Stewart. Maybe #4 and #6 will be Cornelius and Zira as they left with Milo. And #9 to be Dr. Zaius? Then again, if Chief Marcus is in there it could conceiveably open up the possibilities to anyone, even those only mentioned.
I would agree with Dodge as #2. Although if this is Landon's story "after" the hunt I wouldn't have expected to see Dodge or Stewart. Maybe #4 and #6 will be Cornelius and Zira as they left with Milo. And #9 to be Dr. Zaius? Then again, if Chief Marcus is in there it could conceiveably open up the possibilities to anyone, even those only mentioned.

I would imagine that Lt. Stewart is shown on a card only because her mummified body will have to be removed from the Icarus by Dr. Milo and company as they purge the ship.

Maybe Landon will also tell the apes a story (concerning Dodge and Stewart) just before getting his lobotomy? Surely he'll talk about operating manuals and the location of the Icarus in the Forbidden Zone.

It'll be really neat reading about this conspiracy! How deep will it go? Who will it involve? It gets the wheels turning huh?
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Good point on Stewart.
I always believed that Landon's reason for the lobotomy was the blow to his head. It will be interesting to see how they "re-write" things.
Also the story could start off before the launch of the Icarus. This would explain the Stewart card as well. Her card has an image of her both dead and alive. Furthermore, we could then see how and why each astronaut was picked for the mission. What made Landon the "Golden Boy of the Class of '72"? Perhaps we will get a peak behind his All-American image... before the building of that life sized bronze statue doomed to turn green.

Just a thought.
Also the story could start off before the launch of the Icarus. This would explain the Stewart card as well. Her card has an image of her both dead and alive. Furthermore, we could then see how and why each astronaut was picked for the mission. What made Landon the "Golden Boy of the Class of '72"? Perhaps we will get a peak behind his All-American image... before the building of that life sized bronze statue doomed to turn green.

Just a thought.

That might be a good page or two of background, but I certainly hope it doesn't play a big part. Its a Planet of the Apes book. I want stories that revolve around simian interaction. I want orangutans, chimpanzees and gorillas. GORILLAS. GORILLAS!!!
Maybe a bit of mutant thrown in there, but I think that a story could have been made centering around Milo's whole salvaging of the ship and subsequent repair and Escape. As far as I was always concerned, Landon was done after the 1st hunt.
Also the story could start off before the launch of the Icarus. This would explain the Stewart card as well. Her card has an image of her both dead and alive. Furthermore, we could then see how and why each astronaut was picked for the mission. What made Landon the "Golden Boy of the Class of '72"? Perhaps we will get a peak behind his All-American image... before the building of that life sized bronze statue doomed to turn green.

Just a thought.

Good point PZ! This new Apes book(s) is someting I'm REALLY looking forward to! :love:blissy:love
I for one am looking forward to Landon's story. His attitude toward the apes will be quite different from Taylor's. Landon and Taylor never saw eye to eye on much. I also believe, unlike I-man, that the blow to Landon's head had nothing to do with the operation. I never trusted Zaius' story of the operation saving his life. After all, he said the beast could never speak.
Just off the current topic here! Has anyone ever noticed that everyone in Conquest of the Planet of the Apes wore sweaters including the Apes! The sweaters coincided with the jumpsuits! The Orangutans wore Yellow sweaters, The Chimps Green, The Gorillas Red! Has anyone here ever noticed this tidbit of information?:confused:
Just off the current topic here! Has anyone ever noticed that everyone in Conquest of the Planet of the Apes wore sweaters including the Apes! The sweaters coincided with the jumpsuits! The Orangutans wore Yellow sweaters, The Chimps Green, The Gorillas Red! Has anyone here ever noticed this tidbit of information?:confused:

Sweaters?.... What sweaters? There were no sweaters...
Hey there Ape Friends,

I wanted to let you guys know that I should be able to drop by the USPS tomorrow. I have the PZ cane and hs of Taylor in in front of me so rest assured that that they will be off to you soon.
Sweaters?.... What sweaters? There were no sweaters...

Hey JJ! Just watch the scenes closely! You can see the sweaters on the Apes that have the Jumpsuits opened at the top. Such as the Orangutan that is asked to get the book, Lisa the female Chimp, and a Gorilla that is holding the butt of a rifle over the Governor towards the end of the movie.
Hey there Ape Friends,

I wanted to let you guys know that I should be able to drop by the USPS tomorrow. I have the PZ cane and hs of Taylor in in front of me so rest assured that that they will be off to you soon.

Hi Stickman! I hope that you are feeling better! Thanks for the heads up! No worries here, Kent.
I for one am looking forward to Landon's story. His attitude toward the apes will be quite different from Taylor's. Landon and Taylor never saw eye to eye on much. I also believe, unlike I-man, that the blow to Landon's head had nothing to do with the operation. I never trusted Zaius' story of the operation saving his life. After all, he said the beast could never speak.

I'm 100% down with you on all this, really good points Jungle! REALLY GOOD! :joy
Just off the current topic here! Has anyone ever noticed that everyone in Conquest of the Planet of the Apes wore sweaters including the Apes! The sweaters coincided with the jumpsuits! The Orangutans wore Yellow sweaters, The Chimps Green, The Gorillas Red! Has anyone here ever noticed this tidbit of information?:confused:

The turtlenecks can barely be seen. You really do have to look hard for them. I definitely remember Caesar wearing a green one. I seem to recall the female orangutan wearing one as well... never paid it much attention to any of the other apes because it's really hard to see under all of the ape hair.

Hi Jess, hurry back to us!:grouphug
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Hi Stickman! I hope that you are feeling better! Thanks for the heads up! No worries here, Kent.

No, I'm good.:confused: Thanks. Very busy, my 1 minute Opener is coming along, and I have an old :love in town. She's currently out but will be back soon. :D

PZ, and anyone else that may be interested in the Michael Crawford's review of the DR.Z PF you can find it here:
Thanks for posting the review, Sticks... Michael seems to hit all of the points that I did in my review.

And even though I still REALLY like this piece, I ultimately agree with his two and a half star rating (out of four) for the PF.
I for one am looking forward to Landon's story. His attitude toward the apes will be quite different from Taylor's. Landon and Taylor never saw eye to eye on much. I also believe, unlike I-man, that the blow to Landon's head had nothing to do with the operation. I never trusted Zaius' story of the operation saving his life. After all, he said the beast could never speak.

True, but my point was more that his story would be post hunt, not pre launch. The blow to his head, resulted in his capture after hunt #1. If he spoke or escaped it would have been mentioned or alluded to during all the hub bub with Taylor. Zaius at the least would have been aware. I look forward to seeing how they pull it off, but I don't see much story for Landon other than what he sees through his cage and leading up to his lobotomy.
Obviously Landon was Lobotomised, but what if He had some drug in his system that did not allow him to focus or be aware of his surroundings. That would have been cool if they Had him come around later and He was cognitive and aware! Just a thought!:rolleyes:
I don't know how they're going do pull it off. I'm sure that there will be those that like its direction and those that don't. Either way I'm looking forward to reading it.
Right now I just want to find a decent sized image of the Omega poster by Sanjulian.
True, but my point was more that his story would be post hunt, not pre launch. The blow to his head, resulted in his capture after hunt #1. If he spoke or escaped it would have been mentioned or alluded to during all the hub bub with Taylor. Zaius at the least would have been aware. I look forward to seeing how they pull it off, but I don't see much story for Landon other than what he sees through his cage and leading up to his lobotomy.

I don't know how they're going do pull it off. I'm sure that there will be those that like its direction and those that don't. Either way I'm looking forward to reading it.
Right now I just want to find a decent sized image of the Omega poster by Sanjulian.

:blah:blah:blah They'll pull it off. I'm not in agreement with you I man. (So what else is new?) Dr. Zaius is not entirely truthful in my eyes. As far as you not seeing much story for Landon (other than what he sees through his cage) leading up to his lobotomy...

Well, lets just say if you're right that would be very disappointing book. That would certainly make for a really "suckie" read! It would be so boring that way. That would definitely blow!