Ironman - Glad to hear you're making some headway with your face painting. Any KISS apes in that batch? Did you pick up the black/brown ribbon yet? After painting my ribbon, I stuffed a portion of it into the predrilled holes and filled it with hot glue to act as a plug. I'm looking forward to seeing some pics from you.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
No KISS apes yet. Killed me to pass up buying the Sonic Boom but its just not in the budget ...yet. Besides I have to bring myself to part with one of the open mouth gorillas for Gene.
I'm trying to match the packs to HT colors. For straps I was thinking of cutting up an old jacket I had, if I still have it and can find it.
And.... I have been searching for POTA related art of late. I like this one: