Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Same to you (Happy Valentine's Day, that is). And patience is something that is expected with HT releases, if there are going to be future releases of the PTOA line. The question is, "Are there going to be future releases?"

Hot Toys will release more apes. Because where there is one there is another and another. A whole nest of them!!

In all seriousness, I believe that there will be more apes. A scout has come back and reported that there will be more apes. We all await the coming of more apes.

Angel--when I get stuck on a project, I start a new one in my frustration. Maybe that's why I have so many ongoing projects. I'm trying to focus more though, to make sure I finish what I start. I was reorganizing my stashes of yarn and came across so many unfinished projects. This has got to stop.
Angel--when I get stuck on a project, I start a new one in my frustration. Maybe that's why I have so many ongoing projects. I'm trying to focus more though, to make sure I finish what I start. I was reorganizing my stashes of yarn and came across so many unfinished projects. This has got to stop.

Happy Valentines day to you too Jessica! I have been trying to get back into my apes collection also, but I have been sickly the past year plus and it has gotten worse since I have been working grave yard shift. I got the bad news Friday that I had been anticipating by my new doctor that I have type 2 diabetes like my twin brother. I did a fast of almost 10 hours and my glucose count still came to 310. My new Doctor was appalled and told me that I am a very sick man and I have more tests to go. I do not mean to be a downer, but just wanted to explain why I have not been visiting the forum that much. I just do not feel that well and want to sleep any chance I get. :sick
Aw, Kfog, that sucks!!! But once you get your glucose levels in control, you will feel much better. What I really hated about diabetes is the dieting--and also the eating on a schedule. When you have stuff to do, it just sucks to stop and snack. Insulin shots weren't that fun either. Anyway, I'm glad they figured out what was wrong before you got sicker than you are now. I know I have a propensity for diabetes only because I had it with each of my pregnancies. So hopefully, I won't take that path until years and years from now.
I feel so bad for you Kfog... Try to take care of yourself and do what your Dr. tells you to do...

I hope your health improves.

Best of luck!
In all seriousness, I believe that there will be more apes. A scout has come back and reported that there will be more apes. We all await the coming of more apes.

I sure hope so because I really like the Chimpanzees most of all and would gladly buy Zira, Cornelius and Lucius (who's never gotten any 1:6 love :love). A Dr. Zaius upgrade from the SS version would be a no-brainer too.

The Gorillas were SS's weakest figures and a logical starting point for HT's licence.
What would seriously rock is if HT makes a Dr. Zaius wearing the Armageddon outfit that he wears in the 2nd movie. I would like Dr. Zaius to ride into the Forbidden Zone with the most awesome General Ursus ever.

I welcome any ape that HT makes. I'm gunning for chimpanzees.
Aw, Kfog, that sucks!!! But once you get your glucose levels in control, you will feel much better. What I really hated about diabetes is the dieting--and also the eating on a schedule. When you have stuff to do, it just sucks to stop and snack. Insulin shots weren't that fun either. Anyway, I'm glad they figured out what was wrong before you got sicker than you are now. I know I have a propensity for diabetes only because I had it with each of my pregnancies. So hopefully, I won't take that path until years and years from now.

Hi Jess! Thanks for the well wishes! I need to get to the gym and burn off the sugar. I am at my correct weight at 170 pound and 5'10" and have muscle tone, but would like to keep my cardio up. It is the nausea and burning/numb tingling feet that are bothering me the most. I need to get on a Planet of the Apes Gorilla diet. Eat fresh fruit, but not too much and hunt humans for excersise.:rolleyes:
Finally back home.

Angel, - Regarding the skeletons, between the Roman gear from A World's Desire. :) and the recent added gladiator gear, I'm sure I can come up with something. :whip Sorry, no Spartan gear. :( They'll be fighting Perseus. :maul.

WOW IM, 8 HT Apes!!?? :horror
Luckily I have 4 HT Apes, the General, the Captain, and 2 Soldiers but I must also include one kickass Gorilla Wagon that needs a lot of screen time in the upcoming POTA short:monkey1

Kfog I hope you get better. It's great seeing you around.
Ironman has you beat with 8 HT Apes! Wow!

I’m really looking forward to seeing the skeletons fighting Sticks. I own all those Sinbad movies and love the effects they used and the monsters that were created. BTW - Did you see the new Wolfman movie that is out right now? I was wondering what JJ, PZ and you think about it. I really enjoyed it. The photography was done very well and I loved the movie sets and the beautiful costumes. They didn't bloody it up with gore, less is more in this movie. Kinda like a burlesque show.

I completely finished the tribunal yesterday and now have it on display near the television. I can’t keep my eyes off of it. I can’t believe I made this with my own two hands. When I’m watching television, I find myself distracted by it. I’m very proud of this piece, much better than the wagon.
I’m very proud of this piece, much better than the wagon.

Yeah, I agree. The murals, chairs, table, accessories, different sculpts, and custom costumes really make your piece shine. Is the Caesar statue nearby?

Just started watching the animated POTA series on HULU.Com

I'm really digging them. Very inspiring.
I would love to see pictures of the finished Tribunal, Angel. I'm sure it's amazing! :monkey5 :monkey5 :monkey5
I was just thinking about it the other day... it has been 6 years this month that Sideshow announced their Planet of the Apes figure line!

:chew :fireworks:chew :fireworks:chew :fireworks :chew
That's cool news PZ. I made these cards for all you old POTA vets :gun







I have to say, Sticks...

You got my profession down perfectly! I'm glad to see that there is a chimp behind the camera and not a gorilla or orangutan...

How about the rest of you?
By the way did anybody notice the exclusive for Sideshow's Star Wars Greedo 1/6th figure?

It's a crummy wanted poster of Han Solo and they are charging an extra five bucks for it.

Very reminiscent of the exclusive for the Ceasar figure whose exclusive was also a crummy poster.
By the way did anybody notice the exclusive for Sideshow's Star Wars Greedo 1/6th figure?

It's a crummy wanted poster of Han Solo and they are charging an extra five bucks for it.

Very reminiscent of the exclusive for the Ceasar figure whose exclusive was also a crummy poster.

It least back then they didn't have the audacity to charge extra for that damn poster! :duh
Protozaius - My daugther comes home this weekend, so maybe I'll get to use a good camera and share them with you.

Thanks for thinking of me and making the card Sticks. :cool: