Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Wouldn't it be great if one of us from this mega-thread actually won one of those!! :pray::pray::pray:

That would be most awesome! :hi5:

I hope that happens...

OK guys...I have started the process of trying to make a positive out of the vacu-formed face from Apemania. I cut it down to make sure that the molds will fit my countertop oven. Once I have foraged a little for a very late lunch, I will take advantage of the boys not being here so I can accomplish something. I hope I'm doing this right, and that the Ultracal30 comes out ok. I'm going for pancake batter type of feel in the mixture...Thinking about it is making me hungry. :panic:


Welll I'm off to see Planet of the Apes tonight at the local theater I met my wife at.

And the whole family is going to GO APE!!!! :yess::yess::yess:
PZ--how did that go? Did anybody come in costume? Was it crowded? How was the print quality? What was the age range?

OMG! This is way too exciting! Look at my positive fitting in my $50 convection oven! I'm going to try to start Zira's sculpt today if I can manage.

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Anybody else find it strange that all the winners of the Forbidden Zone Taylor live in California?
It's a stinking apes conspiracy in itself! Dam dirty contest!:monkey4
I guess that I will win a contest from sideshow someday when:pigfly:
Hello Jessica,

I will be going to the post office tomorrow and will send you the Planet of the Ales advertisement I have, but I'll need your address AGAIN. Sorry, but I always delete for protection. Or, you could simply print out what I scanned on some nice print stock paper. Either way let me know. I'll check later. Gotta fly.
PZ--how did that go? Did anybody come in costume? Was it crowded? How was the print quality? What was the age range?

It was great to see POTA on a screen again... the last time was exactly two years ago at a theater I also worked at one time. Funny.

The print seemed to be in better shape than the last print I saw. However, the xenon lamp was a tad too dim and, being a small local theater, was on a much smaller screen than last time as well. I did however talk my way into the booth and got to thread up the film for that showing... just so now I can say that I "ran" PLANET OF THE APES!!! I actually touched the film!!! :yess::yess::yess:

The theater had about 30 people in attendance. The majority were college aged since the theater is owned and operated by Portand State University and it's students. My kids, of course, were the youngest in attendance.

Alas... nobody was in makeup. My son was wearing the t-shirt you gave him Jess. He got a couple of "great shirt" compliments. I also was wearing an Ape-realted shirt... but that was it.
It's a stinking apes conspiracy in itself! Dam dirty contest!:monkey4
I guess that I will win a contest from sideshow someday when:pigfly:

In the seven years that I've been a "Sideshow Freak" I've never won one of their contests. And it's not for a lack of trying. Heck, I've even been to every SDCC Freak Party and have not called to play the Doors of Indecision game... where the odds of being called up is a lot more possible. My brother has played it twice and won some amazing prizes.
I don't know what is wrong with me. In this time of Hot Toys Apes, why do I feel the need to buy more Hasbro Apes? Well... only when they are 12" PROTOTYPES!!!


And of DR. ZAIUS, no less!

"Apes Prototype" is one of my saved searches. It has been YEARS since the search has come up with anything... let alone 12" Hasbro prototypes that I don't have. Well, a auction popped up last week showing that a guy was selling a batch of 12" Hasbro Ape prototype/test shots from the first wave of figures along with their production counterparts mint in box. To my utter surprise, he was offering TWO Zaiuses what were ones that I don't have... along with a Ursus and Cornelius that I do have. I inquired if he would willing to break up the set and HE WAS!!!

Why am I so excited? It's weird that of all the years that I've been looking for 12" prototpyes I've only found one version of Cornelius, Zira, Ursus and Gorilla, yet I've now found to date FIVE different color variations of Zaius? Too weird. The new purchases are on the right... the white and dark blue coated Zaiuses. I REALLY like the white coated one... it reminds me of a very big Mego Zaius. :lol

Well, I'm not Protozaius for nothin! :wink1:
LOL! PZ your collection is superb! Whatever makes you happy, you know? Life is too short!!

It's so cool that you got to see AND got to thread up the film. Now that's super spectacular. I am not sure yet if I want to go under the goo for August 15. I'm tempted to call theater management to see if for the half hour before the show if I can work in the theater just collecting and tearing up the ticket stubs (in my costume). Wouldn't that be funny? Well..I'll see how brave I am....and if I can get my gear together. Show starts at 2 PM--I have to be in full makeup before 12:30 because of the hour's drive...It's just that I think I SHOULD get in full ape gear because I've NEVER EVER seen Beneath on the big screen. Oh well it's not my favorite of the series but I've never seen any of the ape series on the big screen.

Where's that Angel? I wonder how his Statue of Liberty is doing...?

Sticks--I sent you a PM.

JJ--I saw that today. I foresee a lot of friendly fire, if it were to really happen.
That is a real cool set, Protozaius. I've seen intriguing protypes from time to time, but never really known how to display them.

I still have monkey fingers crossed that HT will do a Dr. Zaius, who is the Sideshow figure most needing an upgrade since we already got the gorillas.
That is a real cool set, Protozaius. I've seen intriguing protypes from time to time, but never really known how to display them.

I still have monkey fingers crossed that HT will do a Dr. Zaius, who is the Sideshow figure most needing an upgrade since we already got the gorillas.

You know what? Dr. Zaius and the orangutans would be the easiest to reproduce, because the hairline is not as demanding as the chimps or gorillas.
I have roughed out Zira's face, and I might close the mouth a little bit more. I just wanted to make sure to be able to get a strong mold out of this.

When I glue down the foam latex, hopefully the mouth will be closed like this:

Still not happy with her though. The nose is almost there but not quite.
In the seven years that I've been a "Sideshow Freak" I've never won one of their contests. And it's not for a lack of trying. Heck, I've even been to every SDCC Freak Party and have not called to play the Doors of Indecision game... where the odds of being called up is a lot more possible. My brother has played it twice and won some amazing prizes.

Yea, but I bet your brother has not won anything as cool as your Proto Zaius figures! I always love seing pictures of them! Really cool stuff Proto!:clap
Hey Jess! I really love the chimp masks that you do. They are always a treat to see. I am looking forward to the finished product.:wave
I have roughed out Zira's face, and I might close the mouth a little bit more. I just wanted to make sure to be able to get a strong mold out of this.

When I glue down the foam latex, hopefully the mouth will be closed like this:

Still not happy with her though. The nose is almost there but not quite.

I think it would be a mistake to cast the appliance with the mouth open like that. You may want to make two different molds one for the chin and one for the muzzle. At least thats the way I did it.

Also a tip... foam latex is very non forgiving. Your chemicals have to be measured precisely the oven has to maintain the exact heat level and the foam must be frothed to the right consistancy.