Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Just stopped in for a bit of reality escape. Seeing your sculpts Jess certainly provides that.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. They do help.
Angel, thank you, I do have a copy on the way though.
I have to put away the apes now for a few days (going to be tough...I'm on a roll!)...because I have to catch up on other things. I started this last night and can easily finish it today but I have outstanding items that I need to take care of. He's really rough now. Any guesses?

I am sorry to here of the loss of your sister IM! It really makes you think of how every second of ones life should be cherished and to appreciate the friends and family that you have. God Bless you and your family, Kent.
Gahhh!! Not Aldo. That's ok. He's really rough now. camera works again. I was kinda hoping to have an excuse to buy another one. It's just that my camera makes it hard to photograph butterflies in the garden because when I select macro, I have to be up close and personal to the subject..and it's only got 4x optical zoom.

I've reworked these orangutans. I might bring his hairline down a bit more and just spot-cure the sculpey with a BBQ lighter. Poor guy...look how I overbaked his face.


And here's how he looks after I fluffed his eyebrows. Wow I've got stumpy little hands, don't I?
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Well my first guess was Julius but the more I studied it it made me think of Aldo. I think it was the lines in the face that reminiced Aldo's crackly makeup job at times. :)
Either way its a gorilla so I hope you cast him as well!!
I have to put away the apes now for a few days (going to be tough...I'm on a roll!)...because I have to catch up on other things. I started this last night and can easily finish it today but I have outstanding items that I need to take care of. He's really rough now. Any guesses?


With nostils like that... it's got to be Julius.
Gahhh!! Not Aldo. That's ok. He's really rough now. camera works again. I was kinda hoping to have an excuse to buy another one. It's just that my camera makes it hard to photograph butterflies in the garden because when I select macro, I have to be up close and personal to the subject..and it's only got 4x optical zoom.

I've reworked these orangutans. I might bring his hairline down a bit more and just spot-cure the sculpey with a BBQ lighter. Poor guy...look how I overbaked his face.


And here's how he looks after I fluffed his eyebrows. Wow I've got stumpy little hands, don't I?

Holy Crap Jessica! If you really do cast these 3 orangutans. I'm in for all three of them. Mine are just plain crappy compared to yours. These are so freakin' awesome!
I'm truly sorry to hear aout your lost IM. My prayers are with you.

Jessica, amazing job!

Hi there Angel. :wave
Good night Central City. I said I wasn't going to work on apes but I'm obsessed and can't help it. Anyway, I didn't get to finish him...still tweaking, but he's coming along.


this is how he looks with a cigar:

and here's the headsculpt without the makeup. I had to cut off his nose and some of his eyebrows:
Good night Central City. I said I wasn't going to work on apes but I'm obsessed and can't help it. Anyway, I didn't get to finish him...still tweaking, but he's coming along.


this is how he looks with a cigar:

Jessica - That's freakin' sweet! :hi5:

Pay attention to the profile picture and the length of his nose.
Thanks, Angel. I actually cut off his nose today. The sculpey was a bit cold, so it's all crumbly. I may have to redo but whatever. It's good practice.


I am toying with the idea of selling a complete Burke. What's the point of having these when I don't display them anyway? He needs to go to a good home where he will be appreciated.
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Hey guys...I just saw a post by Wookster which mentioned that Dragon is going to be re-releasing the Buzz Aldrin figures which have those awesome helmets that I always miss out on for the Ape-o-nauts!

Has anybody purchased any neodymium magnets (really tiny ones), for their figures? I was thinking I was going to do this with Link...I was going to drill his leather shoes and insert a couple of magnets per in the heel one in the ball of the foot, make sure it was flush with the surface of the boots. I already have the magnets...just haven't done it. I was also going to use the magnets for the straps in his shield. Anyway, just a thought, since those bodies that had the magnets on them were a disappointment to IM.
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