Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Yeah KFog- I was bidding on those also! Good luck to you. I really want another Caesar. That's my motivation. The two gorillas are always “keepable”. If I win, I was planning on selling both orangutans... or something. I don't need them.

Are we bidding against each other? :lol

Hey Angel! No, I am not the other bidder! I will not bid against anyone here on this forum, especially since they have already placed bids. It is all yours and I hope that you get it. Good luck Brother Ape, Kent.:monkey1
Yea, I was going to bid on them at the last second. Is anyone here involved with the bidding wars of this auction? I have been watching it for a week!:monkey1

I'm not bidding on them. Good luck and I hope at least some one here wins them.
I guess that I will try to put something together today. Hey Angel, I think that my Hasbro Apes are in storage, therefore I cannot locate the collar for the Aldo that I was wanting to piece together.:monkey2
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He is cool Mark!!! Where did you get his head? Did you have to make any adjustments it?

Thanks again Dr. Z, that Dodge head is actually a custom head. As you may recall, I started with the Sgt Barney head (also known as: my version of "Landon"). I shaved him and then rebuilt him back up with some of Dodges features. (I even shaved his nose down and gave him bigger nostrils.) I added the orange apoxie today and it's drying right now. I gave Dodges hair some texture today. (See it?) It was smooth as a baby’s bottom prior to today.

You can see the Sgt Barney underneath as I'm working on him today. :angelsmil

Those female apes will be "background apes" as Ironman says. Lastly, that gorilla simply needed more hair...

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Lets do a count of how many Gorillas each have. It does not have to be exact.

Question? What to do with an extra Ursus figure? Try to find a tunice and swap heads to make him into a soldier? Any advice from my simian friends here at the forum? By the way, I really loved how IM, Angel, and Stickman all gave me some excelent acvise! Kudos to you all!:clap:bow:rock2
I just took these gorilla pictures this morning. This guy used to be a human head that was made by Dragon. This ape was inspired by that lone gorilla in Beneath the Planet of the Apes that is "hiding/standing" behind a tree and sees Brent & Nova in a field. I can't remember if Brent & Nova were on foot, or if they were on horseback. Look for him next time you watch!
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Hey IM! How are things going today?:banana or :banghead
Better than some. :)
Lets do a count of how many Gorillas each have. It does not have to be exact.

Question? What to do with an extra Ursus figure? Try to find a tunice and swap heads to make him into a soldier? Any advice from my simian friends here at the forum? By the way, I really loved how IM, Angel, and Stickman all gave me some excelent acvise! Kudos to you all!:clap:bow:rock2
Gorillas? Just Sideshow or customized too/ Total is hanging around 50. The head HAS to go. Then I would add a new sculpt and take off the shoulder armor, making a mid-rank gorilla.
Do you actually have an extra Ursus then...

extra? will you be parting him out?