Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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I was not counting on doing this, and I never really saw this coming, but some things just seem to occur unexpectedly. I’m glad this happened last night.

I looked at my gorillas last night, and I thought to myself “Many of these gorillas need more hair, like in the first installment.” It turns out this quest started to unfold last night for me, and I’m working on it once again right now. In addition to that, those 2 female apes and Dodge are also in the pipeline and being worked upon today.

I’m hoping to have it all off of my dining room table by tonight. I can see the difference in the gorillas. I hope you will see it too. Later ape fans!

Well here are the gorilla heads with more hair added. Can you even tell? While working on the final gorilla head, I bumbled upon a really neat sculpting technique for the hair. Look at 2nd head from the left. His hair seems messier than the others. That's something new I just learned how to do. I’ll be using that method more often on future sculpts.
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Look at the time! Not sure I'll meet my deadline of getting these all done tonight. I've only got a little energy left; I'm starting to sputter out. Back to the female apes for a tad.

Breaks over. :(
Here are the 2 female apes. You can see the different layers of apoxie. They just happen to be different colors from the sample pack I bought.

The one chimp has a weird nose. Galen’s mom actually has a very weird nose that is similar to that.
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Angel, No worries. I love the sarcasm. The little paparazzi figures are for an opening I'm doing for GI JOE. It'll be kinda like a Red Carpet affair, you'll see.

IM I'll put all that stuff aside for you. I knew someone would want them.

I gotta get back to work for now
Here are the 2 female apes. You can see the different layers of apoxie. They just happen to be different colors from the sample pack I bought.

The one chimp has a weird nose. Galen’s mom actually has a very weird nose that is similar to that.

Wow... Look at the colors... Were you at Woodstock Angel?
The apes in Conquest didn't design their clothes, or the shoes they wore, their masters did, so IMHO I don't think there is an inconsistancy, unless you want to make the argument that ape feet wouldn't fit, which I think they could. Maybe a bit snug, but... I love Conquest....

I know the apes didn't design the shoes. However, the cost cutting measure of putting them all in shoes was nothing more than just that. Chimp feet would never fit in those tiny little human shoes.

You guys are being silly. Who really cares? It's only a SciFi movie. If the apes feet in human shoes bothers you, think about this:

Dr. Zaius wearing riding boots? Ouch!
General Ursus and the other gorillas wearing boots? Ouch!
Several Chimps in the TV series wore gorilla boots? Ouch!
Finally, Apes in Conquest of the POTA wearing human shoes?

Why am I even talking about this silliness? It's not even real. Apes just look good wearing human shoes and boots! :horror
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Its called consistency. And accuracy. Of all people, I thought YOU would be most inclined to agree, what with your attention for detail.
Here's an update to the generic female apes. "Zira-like" hair was added to each of them today. Tomorrow I hope to add wrinkles to their faces. Lastly, more minor tweaking will occur. I'm sure of that. Then the really yucky part... painting.
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Dr. Z Congrats on being the first to get the mighty General. He looks great. Try white balancing your camera. Is there any chance we can get a SideShow side by side comparison? I want to compare the color in the outfits and see how the heads look. Thank you.




As many items as possible have been recycled to be used in each of the gorillas.i.e. the outfits, boots, hands and hair. All the apes have the same basic cloth outfit. Crimson brown in colour. The sculpts, tunics, gauntlets, ammo pouches, backpack and mancatcher on the Captain and Soldier are all shared. The Captain and General both share the same rifle. General Ursus doesn't have a pole gripping hand, all the other hands are the same.

Each figure has something unique. Ursus has the different armour, helmet, face sculpt, pistol and holster. It's a disappointment to find Ursus's pistol cannot be held by the mighty General, and that his helmet still hasn't been done justice by a collectibles company. They could have easily made his helmets flap/fringe out of a pliable material or pleather, but instead it's an inflexible fully formed plastic. Then again, if it had ended up looking like the Sideshow version there would have been something to really complain about. A moulded leather would be the ideal. Something that strikes me is how conically shaped his gauntlets are. To me they look oversized and wrong, but I'm no expert.

The Captain has the painted vest, belt, pistol and holster, and the flag. Whilst the Soldier has the club, key, bandolier, and different rifle. Fortunately the relaxed hands on the soldier are able to hold the club and key.
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After seeing these new Hot Toys - I'm really glad I didn't get any of them. For that much money, I'd expect so much more. The best thing, to me, are the silver plates mounted on the general’s vest. That part looks really good. Overall the body & clothes are very similar to Sideshow’s. Not worth the price difference between Hot Toys and Sideshows. The helmet and the real hair of this piece are also very disappointing to me. Okay I'm done now Hot Toys fans. Go ahead and bash me now. :eek:
I won't bash you, as i don't have them in hand to compare them. I don't see, from any of the pictures I have seen, that the Ht body resembles the Sideshow one. Going by past HT bodies that I do have they are much better bodies. As for the outfits? They look much better done and much more screen accurate than what Sideshow offered. Again, what SS gave us was great for its time and I am thankful for them. I am also thankful for the ApeJoe apes which were the only apes in town for their time. So far I think the Ursus hair looks the best of the three. And the helmet, despite it being molded, is still way more accurate than the pin head helmet SS gave. Overall the total attention to detail is leaning in HT's favor thus far. Hopefully this does not change once they are in hand.
Ironman - What's important here? I think it's important that all the people buying these Hot Toys really really like them and that they find that price justified by it's quality.

Dr. Zaius gave it a wonderful report as well.

It'll be intertesting to see how everyone else feels about them. If everyone wants to modify it (in the way Jessica is), that sends a really bad message to me about this very expensive toy.
But angel, how many of Sideshow's apes have you modified? How many other folks' modifications have we seen? So far the biggest complaint I've seen posted is about the hair, and thats been pretty much a split decision. I can't wait to get mine and I certainly hope I feel the same way I do now.
Wow, that close up of HT Ursus, he looks just like Urko, Ursus not so much. Thanks for the comparison photos. Say what you will about Hasbro, I'm still a fan because they never had ridiculously high price points. I wish I could purchase the Hot Toys tunic alone...
Actually, in that pic I don't see Urko OR Ursus. And, hasbro had they used a better body and better sculpts may well have kept their line going.
Still, I would surely love to find a way to re-hair the hasbro versions.