Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Thanks for all the fireworks Angelofmusic.

So far I only have Hasbro Apes, but after a visit to eBay I have a few Sideshow Apes in the mail. You folks all helped to inform and inspire me. I am digging through the storage sheds, and attic looking around all the GI Joe stuff and Dragon Models and Sideshow sci fi and such trying to find my Apes. I think I have found most of them, but I seem to remember more Gorillas. AWOL Ape soldiers!

Welcome to Central City Bunkermeister.
You will be blown away by the talent that has joined in and/or passed thru here. We are glad to have you among us.
By the way, your gorillas all went missing in the Forbidden Zone and are now being treated to some unsimian torture, their minds gone.
Welcome to Central City Bunkermeister.
You will be blown away by the talent that has joined in and/or passed thru here. We are glad to have you among us.
By the way, your gorillas all went missing in the Forbidden Zone and are now being treated to some unsimian torture, their minds gone.

I kind of suspected that was the case! Too bad, so sad.

Well, I suspose it's back to eBay then.

The talent here is great! I love the sewing of new clothing and making of buildings, wagons and such. I have been mulling over an ape building or two myself.
Thanks for all the fireworks Angelofmusic.

So far I only have Hasbro Apes, but after a visit to eBay I have a few Sideshow Apes in the mail. You folks all helped to inform and inspire me. I am digging through the storage sheds, and attic looking around all the GI Joe stuff and Dragon Models and Sideshow sci fi and such trying to find my Apes. I think I have found most of them, but I seem to remember more Gorillas. AWOL Ape soldiers!

Welcome to the club Bunkermeister! There are a lot of good people here that are always acommadating to your questions and needs! I am an optimist and from experience feel that if you remember having more Gorillas, then they are there, so keep digging my friend! Everyone here knows that the more gorillas, the better. By the way, I have the Hot Toys Ursus, Captain, and two gorilla Soldiers and think that they are superb items. I believe that they go very well with the Sideshow and Hasbro apes! Just use the Hasbro Apes as a backdrop, like in the movies. Take care, Kent.

Thank you Kfog41. I figure the Hasbro ones are sort of the "extras" or "cannon fodder." I got a Hasbro Zira and Gorilla Soldier in the mail today, from eBay. While I keep looking for the "missing" ones I suspect they just are not there...

I also go my first Sideshow POTA set today, also off eBay, the Slave Taylor and Nova set. I have not taken them out of the box yet, but I will. Very nice looking set. The Nova sculpt seems to be the better one in my opinion, but I am happy with my purchase.

That gives me about 14 apes and three humans.

Mike "Bunkermeister" Creek
What threats did the Apes face that required a large standing army of Gorillas? The humans had no weapons and were not much more dangerous than a herd of deer. The Mutants in the FZ were unknown to them. Ape does not kill Ape, so they were not fighting each other.

So why a big army? They even had cannon! Certainly not something you would use in hunting. With a general, captains, and sargeants, and soldiers, they are organized for war; not hunting.
Some really good questions Bunkermeister. Like you, I don't know the answer either. Welcome to the ape thread.
Its a big (Ape) planet. Maybe there were some unmentioned foes in their universe. I mean if evolution bred intelligent talking apes why not insects or reptiles? Lol.. just rattling on. Dont take me seriously :D
Bunkmeister--probably because the gorilla scouts kept disappearing and one of them came back half deranged. Anyway, very cool questions.

I had to take my kids to the optometrist to get their eyes tested. Guess where they're going? Bright Eyes Optometry!! HA HA HA. I picked that one just for the name.

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What's a good price for a Hot Toys Ursus, anyone? I had to cancel this from SS last year but now I'm hungry. I just grabbed a HT Soldier!

Did talking apes evolve in their universe? I thought they were involved in a time loop, or were the result of human experimentation with apes?

If there were non-human enemies, why don't we ever hear of them in any of the movies, or TV show?

And if they did have other enemies, why would they denude their defences to invade the Forbidden Zone?

An army is expensive, and most groups will not maintain one if there is a choice not to do so.
What threats did the Apes face that required a large standing army of Gorillas? The humans had no weapons and were not much more dangerous than a herd of deer. The Mutants in the FZ were unknown to them. Ape does not kill Ape, so they were not fighting each other.

So why a big army? They even had cannon! Certainly not something you would use in hunting. With a general, captains, and sargeants, and soldiers, they are organized for war; not hunting.

In my opinion I believe the whole society centered around fear. From the warnings of the Great Lawgiver, the radioactive waste and death in the Forbidden Zone, the strange visions brought on by the Mutants, as well as the human population swelling to a dangerous level, these all could have brought the Ape society to prepare for war. There are many-many sides to this wonderful Planet of the Apes. I would recommend reading the Original book by Pierre Boulle, You should also watch some of the cartoon series for free at Apparently there were giant spiders, dragons, sea creatures, and more :google.
What's a good price for a Hot Toys Ursus, anyone? I had to cancel this from SS last year but now I'm hungry. I just grabbed a HT Soldier!


This one should go to Ironman1188. He is the leader in the HT Ape collection category. I think he's gotten a few for as low as $68. but I doubt they were mint in box, but I could be wrong.
What threats did the Apes face that required a large standing army of Gorillas? The humans had no weapons and were not much more dangerous than a herd of deer. The Mutants in the FZ were unknown to them. Ape does not kill Ape, so they were not fighting each other.

So why a big army? They even had cannon! Certainly not something you would use in hunting. With a general, captains, and sargeants, and soldiers, they are organized for war; not hunting.
LOL! That's simple. Because they could!!! :monkey5
This one should go to Ironman1188. He is the leader in the HT Ape collection category. I think he's gotten a few for as low as $68. but I doubt they were mint in box, but I could be wrong.

A good price? That depends on your defintion of "good" and if you're talking loose/complete or MIB. I don't see many MIB's around for what they were when first released, but $104 - $112 were great prices. Now? I guess I would consider $125 a good price MIB and $75 - $85 decent loose/complete.
I have read the book, seen all the movies and watched the TV series. I suppose it is time to head over to Hulu for the cartoon. Many genre don't consider "the cartoon version" to be "dogma." Is that not true for POTA?
I can't stand watching the cartoons. I hate hearing Fred Flintstone's voice. I hate Zira's unibrow. It's way tooooooo cheesy for me. As a kid I always fought my sisters to be able to watch it on Saturday mornings. I tried but couldn't get beyond 10 minutes when I sat down to watch it about a year ago. Not much has changed since then. I still hate it.
I have read the book, seen all the movies and watched the TV series. I suppose it is time to head over to Hulu for the cartoon. Many genre don't consider "the cartoon version" to be "dogma." Is that not true for POTA?

The animated series is truer to the original novel than the films and TV series were. That having been said it also took elements from the series and films and combined them, I would assume to gather a following from both. The only thing they really didn't consider was actually trying to animate it. Even in its day the style was outdated and primitive.
I will say, again, that I believe that a CGI version of POTA, be it a contiuation of the films, TV series or a rendition of Marvel's Terror series with today's technology could do very well. And you could get "big" names to play characters that they wouldn't need to go under the daily goo to play.
What threats did the Apes face that required a large standing army of Gorillas? The humans had no weapons and were not much more dangerous than a herd of deer. The Mutants in the FZ were unknown to them. Ape does not kill Ape, so they were not fighting each other.

So why a big army? They even had cannon! Certainly not something you would use in hunting. With a general, captains, and sargeants, and soldiers, they are organized for war; not hunting.

If I may chime in on this... in my adult life, I've NEVER been able to look at the world created in the Planet of the Apes as a whole "circle is complete" type of saga. It represents a series of creative starts and stops punctuated by studio economy. Put simply, Planet of the Apes was never planned to be a saga. It was a great one-off piece of popular Sci-Fi. It was the studio's desire to create a cash flow for itself, to get more milk from an ape (to quote an old TV guide article), that, unfortunately, created this particular saga. Arthur P. Jacobs was a skilled and tenacious producer. But he was no Roddenberry. No Lucas. He lacked an overall vision for the saga. The result is that with each succeeding sequel, the saga had less and less firm ground to trod upon.

The army question you raise Bunkermeister is completely vaild, in my opinion. I've never thought of it before. But this army you speak of is the product of the second film, is it not? So why a whole army of gorillas, you ask? Simple. More apes mean more possible money at the box offfce in the eyes of the studio... logic be damned.

Hell, the producers didn't even get the right date in the second film. I know it's too late but the year is 3978, guys. :rolleyes:

Interesting enough, it has been a popular sport among Apes fans to try to fill in those plot holes created by these tone deaf producers... to weave their own theories, stretching them to include four clunky sequels and two TV series. I've never particpated in this. I have no need fill in these holes... but rather I choose to expose and enlarge them. I prefer to enjoy the films singularly and with full knowledge of the narrative inconsistencies and creative shortcuts taken just to present yet another POTA installment to the box office. Because of this, I've often been accused as being too negative toward the series. But my love of the series is complicated and is wholly a concoction of my own delusioned brain... as far as I can tell it's nostalgia mixed with an unnautral love for the first film mixed with my undying love for Roddy McDowall. I know I left out a few key ingredients here but you get the point.

And yes Jess, that cartoon is unwatchable. Not even my 10 year old son could slog through them. Yet I own them. Interesting.
Today I visited Hulu and watched 9 of the episodes of the cartoon. The drawing style seems like quick sketches. The animation is one notch above Clutch Cargo. The stories are not too bad, at least they continue in one long story arc.

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