Well, I figured I put it in this thread. My thread. My baby [of sorts].
I started this thread 8+ years ago in an attempt to get POTA lovers and fans more 1:6 apes. Was I successful? No, not in the way I had intended. I had hoped that Sideshow would stand tall, take notice and continue the line. They did not.
However much more occured here than I could have ever imagined.
Fans united, friendships were formed, ideas were exchanged and artists were born. POTA items we could never have dreamed of coming from Sideshow came from within this very thread. Statues, wagons and sculpts galore were made available to all. Then Hot Toys answered the demand, or seemed to, as though they might be our simian saviors. We got treated to the most realistic and authenticly detailed mass produced 1:6 apes to date. This was a blessing for this, the thread that would not die.
But, it is of dying that is foremost on my mind now. I have been out of work for over a year due to health problems. Degenerative discs in my back causing constant pain, a narrowing of a vein/artery behind my one eye that threatens blindness and a heart problem that has had me hospitalized more than once.
Tomorrow I head into the hospital for a procedure on my heart that, so they say, should correct the problem forever. Over a 95% success rate on the first procedure, so they say. We do however, have to advise you of the possibilty of "heart attack, stroke or death" they say. Less than 1% chance and they have never had anyone die on them before. It all sounds like good odds, yet... I can't stop thinking "Its heart surgery. Plain and simple. There is no "it's nothing major" here, its my heart." One mistake could mean so many things and for some reason, they are all I can focus on. So, while I am sure I am concentrating on all the wrong areas of this[right?] I do want to take the time to thank all of the great folks who have made this thread part of you and shared yourselves with me. Though some don't seem to post here any longer, their contributions and presence are still thought of each time I do. There are far too many for me to do roll call, and I'd only muck it up by missing someone inadvertantly anyway, so I'll just give a big:
to everyone. I hope to be back soon, but, should I not return to this Forbidden Zone, think of me every once in a while when you post.