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It was like this from film one thought; Dr Gordon's task was to kill Adam via a poisoned cigarette. Adam's task was to stop him.

I love this film series. Number one was suberb - spesh the twist at the end. I would rank them


Except Jigsaw was on the floor in the room, if they had checked if he was actually dead it would have been entirely different. The other situations are always that people are fighting against each other and someone's definitely going to die. I think it would have been better if everyone would have the chance to survive if they would do things correctly. The 2nd and 3rd both had that kind of thing.
I am a huge fan of the series. I got the billy puppet tattood on my left leg if you can see :lol Love the backstory on jigsaw. Sadly saw 7 was really dissapointing. The only good parts were the beggining with gordon and the end. The whole movie was just trap after trAp. Anyways i also have the lifesize puppet( not sideshow) here is my order

Saw 1
Saw 6
Saw 2
Saw 3
Saw 4
Saw 5
I liked the first one. I didn't think it was a very good movie, but at least it had a cleverness that set it apart.

I watched part 2, and the diminishing returns set in quickly. Never had a desire to continue with the series.
I enjoyed the first one, really hated the 3rd. The rest are kinda eh.

I just hate that 3rd movie so much.
The third one is so dark - it really is quite stomach churning. When she has her ribs ripped out is awful and when the guys arms, legs and neck get twisted round is horrendous.
My wife likes them ... but, she admittedly likes "bad horror movies" (her words). The first one was kinda clever ... downhill from there. Traded in clever for gore.

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I love the first Saw. Felt more like a gruesome thriller along the lines of Se7en or Copycat than a full fledged horror. Saw 2 was good until the chick Amanda from the first movie turned out to be his apprentice. 3 was ok and I thought the series should have ended there (actually it should have ended with the first). 4 was kinda lame and haven't seen 5 or 6 yet. Final Chapter was lame and I saw the end a mile away.
The first is brilliantly original. I missed most of the inbetweens and just caught the last one.

It was good to see that despite the success of the series they didn't feel the need to have decent scripts, bigger budgets or better effects. (sarcasm).
Glad to see others here have seen the series. I really enjoy it for the most part, and think it gets a lot of unwarranted hate. One of the things I like most about it is how the entries are so connected to each other and the other media relating to it is as well, like the video games. I've been wanting to play the second game, only played the first one and liked it despite some tedious puzzles.

How does everyone here rank them in order of preference, I wonder?
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Also, on a related note, what's everyone's favorite trap in the series? I like the Needle Pit in the second one, that one is just nasty,
I've only seen a couple of these. But i've watched all the traps on youtube. I like the simple knife chair trap. I think it was Jigsaw's first trap. The guy had to push his face through a bunch of steak knives to get loose from a chair. I also like the trap where the rapist guy had to stab out both of his eyes before he is drawn and quartered. Also the one where the two people have to see who can chop off the most of their own body parts and put them on a scale was pretty good too. Good stuff.
The traps get a lot more outlandish and gruesome in the later sequels, as opposed to how much more simplistic they were in the first two.
Also, on a related note, what's everyone's favorite trap in the series? I like the Needle Pit in the second one, that one is just nasty,

Reverse bear trap. Hands down. has to be the most famous and best trap. I also like the carousel trap from saw 6. And of course Jigsaw's personal favorite "The Rack"
I like saw I never got the hate, I mean, everyone that hates Saw and criticizes saw must have their memory deleted or something, I always hear the same complain "why make so many movies of the same crap?" I always tell them, well, Jigsaw never came back from the dead, or never went to space, never worked for the Illuminati,

I mean, I guess Jason and Michael always got the same criticism too but, a lot of times is horror fans themselves criticizing Saw.

Anyways, I Like Saw, as a Franchise, I like all the movies, yeah is the same but, I mean they Do follow a Story, that's another criticism I never got, that is just traps killing people for an hour and a half, which is totally not true, I like how the story keeps going and new characters appear, I like the twists,
I mean, yes the movies might get too repetitive on some people, but, I like them, they are far from the worst horror movies of today, this is a solid franchise like Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm street, I like saw A lot better than Scream
The first will always be a personal favourite to me. My friend worked on the sets in Toronto for some of the later ones and always told me some of the 'trap' ideas that they were coming up with, so it was always fun to go to the theatre and see how they panned out. :rock
I like saw I never got the hate, I mean, everyone that hates Saw and criticizes saw must have their memory deleted or something, I always hear the same complain "why make so many movies of the same crap?" I always tell them, well, Jigsaw never came back from the dead, or never went to space, never worked for the Illuminati,

I mean, I guess Jason and Michael always got the same criticism too but, a lot of times is horror fans themselves criticizing Saw.

Anyways, I Like Saw, as a Franchise, I like all the movies, yeah is the same but, I mean they Do follow a Story, that's another criticism I never got, that is just traps killing people for an hour and a half, which is totally not true, I like how the story keeps going and new characters appear, I like the twists,
I mean, yes the movies might get too repetitive on some people, but, I like them, they are far from the worst horror movies of today, this is a solid franchise like Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm street, I like saw A lot better than Scream


I agree for the most part. I know I asked this before, but how does everyone rank all seven movies in order of preference? I posted mine before but for me they go like this for me:

Also favorite trap in the series? Having gone through them again recently, my new favorite may be the Needle Pit from the second one. So nasty.