You need to learn the difference between persuasion and coercion. Anyone undertaking to trade with another is looking to get the most they can for the least. Whoever has the most to offer is in a superior position of purchasing power over the rest, and he is in that position at no expense to them. It may be to their disadvantage; it's not at their expense. If the power was once theirs, and is no longer, then maybe they shouldn't have spent it. Either way, there is no injury they can claim against the one with more statues to sell, or more money to buy them.
Live and let live implies only that you will live by your values, and you will allow others to live by theirs. If they cannot live by their rules in dealing with you, then it is incumbent upon them to not deal with you. If they do, and necessarily compromise themselves, it is not your problem--you are not the cause--it is theirs and theirs only. I fail to see how any type of coercion follows.
And really, coercion is the only thing that 'live and let live' seeks to prevent. It is not a guide for living your own life; it is a guide for living your life in the presence of other people, i.e. society.
The only thing that would violate such an agreement would be for someone to make a law prohibiting scalping, which like all such laws, is an attempt to force people to live by rules other than the rules by which they have chosen to live
their lives.
Then the Golden Rule can shove it. That which does not profit dies. Sheds some light on the horror that was the Middle Ages, huh?
What you again fail to see is that buyers willing to pay a premium are not taking a loss. This notion of equality you have has no place on earth. Or anywwhere in nature, for that matter. You're just going to have to wait until you die and go to heaven. Sorry.
Human beings cannot survive by Jesus' moral code. That is why when they stopped attempting to practice it on earth, earth became, not only infinitely more livable, but infinitely more survivable.