Thanks man. Oh and here is how the little mother effer looks under a blacklight. Enjoy!
Just caught a centipede in my halway. Got the house sprayed about 3 months ago and did not see a bug until about 2 days ago. Now it has been 2 spiders and a centipede. Time for the Orkin guy to come back.
I'll get a picture of the centipede up tomorrow.
House centipedes are so common here that an exterminator would probably laugh if you called them about it. I have a basement aka dungeon. Not much you can do about them down there other than let the spiders get 'em.
Spiders are my friends.![]()
I saw a house centipede once in my apartment. It's the only bug I've seen besides the inevitable hornet that makes its way in when it's hot.
My bedroom was in the basement when I was a kid, but insects never concerned me. The worst that ever turned up would be an occaissional black beetle cruising across the rug. Lots of daddylonglegs too, but whatever.
Sow bugs!!
...Not much you can do about them down there other than let the spiders get 'em.
Spiders are my friends.![]()
Sow Bugs? Woodlouse? We just call them rolly pollies.
But as far as my centipede goes...I have been stung by both centipedes and scorpions. Given my druthers, I'll take the scorpion sting any day.
That's what we call them here in Missouri as well
I've never been stung buy either, centipedes sting?!?!?![]()
Sow Bugs? Woodlouse? We just call them rolly pollies.
But as far as my centipede goes...I have been stung by both centipedes and scorpions. Given my druthers, I'll take the scorpion sting any day.
That's what we call them here in Missouri as well
I've never been stung buy either, centipedes sting?!?!?![]()
Damn skippy. Here is my buddy.
What I find a nuisance but they don't hurt anything is boxelder bugs. If you squish them they stain things. Nothing will eat them because they're poisonous. Our neighbor has a boxelder tree so we can sometimes get them bad. It's hard to kill them too. They drink Raid.![]()
This pic gives me the creeps...