SDCC '09/Freaks Party!! Who's gonna be there?

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I'm hurting a little bit.

It is 8am here in beautiful San Diego.

And Jen and I aren't even hung-over.


'Cause we're still f-n drunk.


Edit: Just spoke to the doctor. He prescribed 2 advil and a bottle of hair of the dog before venturing back out to the con.

trying to get a couple of pics of the party up now. I didn't take very many as I wasn't really about it. Others were taking pics though, so should be more to come.
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The party was ^^^^ing AWESOME, had a great time meeting up with old friends and meeting so many new ones.

I'm really bummed though, 'cause I forgot the damn memory card to my camera and missed out on taking so many of my own pictures. :( I have a few that Alfred took for me, but I'm hoping that the pics everyone else took show just how awesome a time we had. I got blasted and had a great time with all of my fellow freaks and I already can't wait to do it again next year.

Thanks Dave, you are the man!! :rock

I just got a call from my good friend Ill Jedi, with a small nice hello from GrueSam....really made my night. :rock:rock:rock

Next year dammit... Hell or high water I will be there.
:rock :rock :rock

It is 8am here in beautiful San Diego.

And Jen and I aren't even hung-over.


'Cause we're still f-n drunk.

I still feel like ^^^^. :D
Ok so here we go! Let me first start off by saying thank you to a few Freaks. Sideshow and Dave, thank you for throwing a great party and allowing us idiots a home. Next I would like to thank McHavyck and his wife for giving me a place to stay. I also would like to thank Gruesam, Jen, LOTRFAN, Fellmar, and Bannister for again allowing me to stay with them. I can't thank all of you enough. Sorry if I missed anyone!

I got to meet so many Freaks and Sideshow employees. It really was wonderful. Everyone was so nice! Dave is also the man! I won't post any pictures of him because he doesn't like it but I have some good ones! I also have pics of me with Sideshow employees but they are mine to keep and I won't share.

So the Con for a Noob. Very scary to sum it all up. I was totally overwhelmed and need a better plan the next time I go. It was amazing though however I am glad to be home. I guess I am to jazzed up to speak more about it. What you guys want are good ole drunking photos. So here we go!

Matt this ones for you buddy!




This idiot is a non smoker.






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Great pics Keith! :rock

What a great night that was :rock

I'll be adding captions to some of my favorites.

I wish I could've gotten a pic of your reaction when I downed that beer! :chug That was too funny! :lol
Fun times were had by all!

I want to say thanks to the Freaks who contributed to my gift basket - it was truly awesome. I can guess who's idea the Top Gun blu-ray was...

Great thing too - I don't have most of those DVDs! Thanks again guys for making it a memorable party!

And congrats to all the winners of the prizes!
Fun times were had by all!

I want to say thanks to the Freaks who contributed to my gift basket - it was truly awesome. I can guess who's idea the Top Gun blu-ray was...

Great thing too - I don't have most of those DVDs! Thanks again guys for making it a memorable party!

And congrats to all the winners of the prizes!
:rock :rock :rock

Thanks again Dave!! :duff