So my wife might not be able to attend all of the days. It's my first year going. Is it possible to give the badge to a buddy or do they actually check upon entry?
So my wife might not be able to attend all of the days. It's my first year going. Is it possible to give the badge to a buddy or do they actually check upon entry?
So my wife might not be able to attend all of the days. It's my first year going. Is it possible to give the badge to a buddy or do they actually check upon entry?
Badges will get checked from time to time. I knew a couple people in which it occurred and their badges were taken away (since they were not the official badge holder) but could be retrieved back again by the actual owner of the badge with photo ID. This also typically seems to happen to people that use a badge with a name that doesn't seem to fit well with the person wearing it (ie: bearded dude walking around with a badge that has the name Jennifer Smith). Now, I'm not saying that a bearded gentlemen can't have the name Jennifer Smith but it will cause the security at the show to more than likely 'pull them over' and request their photo ID to verify.
GAH, just found the thread and ticket sales were just closed. Well at least now I can relax in the Hall H line and not worry about running back and forth to the party. Would have been nice if someone could have shared the link to the ticket sales thread in this thread.
FYI, I am helping Sideshow with some giveaways ONLY for people who are actually attending SDCC. If you are, and you'd like to be added to the group of people eligible to win prizes, friend me on FB and I'll add you. My FB is
Sorry, but I can't add you to the group unless we are friends.
Good luck!
I'll never stop going. Unless they move, then it's dead to me. Like Wondercon.
Damn, I really wanted to go the comic con this year. Still can't believe I didn't get tickets. I was wondering, somebody said a while ago that a few weeks before the Con they list badges that were returned/refunded. Has that happened already... will it happen?
GAH, just found the thread and ticket sales were just closed. Well at least now I can relax in the Hall H line and not worry about running back and forth to the party. Would have been nice if someone could have shared the link to the ticket sales thread in this thread.
FYI, I am helping Sideshow with some giveaways ONLY for people who are actually attending SDCC. If you are, and you'd like to be added to the group of people eligible to win prizes, friend me on FB and I'll add you. My FB is
Sorry, but I can't add you to the group unless we are friends.
Good luck!
I thought my post would have garnered more attention. Only 1 PM.