Sorry for dredging up an old thread, but I managed to snag one of these off sleazebay for a hefty price. It's pretty cool. For anyone who has this, do you know if there were supposed to be 4 landing gear legs or just 2 (because that's all I received); plus, where in the hell are you supposed to put these? I can't find anywhere that these are supposed to plug into. One of the small pegs that's supposed to hold the shuttle further inside the ship was broken off, and no amount of futzing with super glue has gotten that damn thing back on (so, based on the price point, I'm a bit disappointed it arrived broken... and unrepairable). Overall, it's a cool model and I'm glad I have it. It's probably my favorite of all the ships I've seen on film. I was always a fan (and still am) of the Millennium Falcon, but unlike the Serenity, you never really get to see much of the Falcon's interior, whereas the Serenity looks and feels like a ship people actually work and live in.