Demi G0D Overseer
Am I the only one that can't believe this a muta F'n sidescroller?
who mentioned height
Now we know why they cant fix gears they were busy making another gameJust wiki'd it. It is a sidescroller game done by Cliffy B's team. Its inspiration was castlevania and Metroid. It sounds pretty damn cool. Oh and it is a sidescroller.
Am I the only one that can't believe this a muta F'n sidescroller?
Now we know why they cant fix gears they were busy making another game
wow, about as hilarious as your last joke!
i was joking?
well you did seem to mention it twice earlier
i think you are the most excited, that's for sure. well, except for karma, as he basically blows cliffy b on whatever he or epic puts out.
don't jealous baby, green doesn't suit ya
well, if you want to come out and say how fascinated with other mens peni s', then sure! i guess you weren't joking!
by all means karma!
That'd be envious, not jealous. Certainly not the smartest person I know.
/ˈdʒɛləs/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [jel-uhs] Show IPA
Use jealous in a Sentence
1. feeling resentment against someone because of that person's rivalry, success, or advantages (often fol. by of): He was jealous of his rich brother.
2. feeling resentment because of another's success, advantage, etc. (often fol. by of): He was jealous of his brother's wealth.
3. characterized by or proceeding from suspicious fears or envious resentment: a jealous rage; jealous intrigues.
4. inclined to or troubled by suspicions or fears of rivalry, unfaithfulness, etc., as in love or aims: a jealous husband.
5. solicitous or vigilant in maintaining or guarding something: The American people are jealous of their freedom.
6. Bible. intolerant of unfaithfulness or rivalry: The Lord is a jealous God.
WANT! Comes out this week right?
Holy ^^^^! Did you buy a 360?
And it comes out on Wednesday.
Where have you been? My boss gave me the office one back in June....
Out of the video game threads. Glad you finally own the better system.
Ha it's okay. Still debating which console I'll get COD6 for this November.
That is pretty damn cool though. Now you get the rewards of both systems.
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