Looks like nick Jonas has been hitting the weights.
Since when is not being a stroker trolling. Not everyone enjoys stepping on eggshells. Or is passive aggressive the more en vogue way to go about things.
Why are little doll clothes so creepy and the people that play with them so sensitive.
Revenge of the Jonas, Bodie. They got your number.
Seriously, why is this man being persecuted? Toenails on crackers make me wanna puke as much as the next animal with a stomach, but I've read worse posts.
I tied it up, I want to keep it 50/50 so Bodie never knows if he's getting it back or not. Just need a mod to stamp this thread and tell us they will honor whichever one gets more votes Dun Dun Dun
just because YOU have an impaired sense of humor doesn't make ME a bad guy. Just because I have been with a girl(s) and don't play with dolls and don't care about stitching doesn't make ME a villain. Please get over YOURSELF.