So I made it into work (early, I might add!) and all is going well for now - we'll see how long that lasts
As for seeing the movie with 'new' eyes at 3:30 AM... well, I still love it and appreciate Shia's performance even more this time around

He's definitely the star of the film, and if it weren't for his delivery, most of the dialogue would be unbearable. As it is, he gives it a very real, slightly off-kilter and unique touch. (I think I may be crushing on him a little... and he's only 21

Also, this time I noticed a few rather annoying (and LARGE) plot holes and how rushed the ending felt, and my brain was asking me how I could so easily forgive that stuff and still love the film as a whole. But that's really what it's about - the movie's got so much charm and awesomeness that my heart doesn't listen to my brain when it tries to argue
The theater was about half full (honestly, more than I expected at that hour), and there was some cheering throughout, plus a couple of instances of loud laughter, but it was mostly low-key. I'll have to see it one more time (at least), maybe Friday night, with a HUGE crowd at a decent hour :chew