Should we be giving money to charity instead of buying collectibles ?

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lol you made me feel bad for a sec.. then i thought to myself.. oh well.. dude hes has no right to tell you how to spend your money. I mean it's your money.

Don't feel bad , I think I'm one of the few people in my family who doesn't spend the majority of their money on one or more of the above!. :monkey1:rotfl
Yeah, I am not big on charity either....most of them pocket the money and only give about 30% of your original donation.

I will keep buying collectibles. :)
too true. He probably also has a printer , tv , xbox 360 and so on. :rotfl:lol

Absolutely, and 2 cars, and a house etc etc.

Personally I give a small payment every month to a UK based charity for the homeless called 'Shelter'. I am only on benefits myself as i am disabled and housebound but unlike others that some of the people here have already mentioned I dont get out a tin and start begging for booze money, in this country alcoholics get more benefit money than i do and i'm registered disabled!
Im not an Alcoholic/Junkie/Chav or Hoodie, so once my bills are paid, I will spend whatever i have left on whatever i like, for me that happens to be my collections, does that make me a geek/dork/nerd? no more so than the next person that collects thimbles or teapots or books etc.

Everyone is a geek is some way, adoring cars/houses/gadgets/collectables. We all have a little OCD in us so who is this person to judge.
I never even thought about not buying my figs so i can give my hard earned cash away.

Ive done enough runs and event where people sponsar me so i can get there money to give away and i always give money to the Royal Legion poppy campaign and Royal National Lifeboat Institution, those guys risk there lives to save people and don't get paid.
What a bunch of crap.

Personally I feel like there is too much assistance already. Especially coming from the government which has to be given out "equally".
I prefer private charities where you can target your donation. I don't want someone else deciding who deserves my money. There are people out there who feel bad for poor people who still have playstation 1 and think they need charity.
I think if you're on government assistance you should have to take monthly drug tests. When people get a JOB and WORK for their money they are subject to drug testing, but you can sit home, take drugs and get other people's money.

This country is based on ideas of freedom from government and the national dialog seems to be how we can let government coddle us and make our decisions for us. Give us health care, pay our mortgages, decide who makes too much and make everything "fair" and "equal". I believe that was called communism and it failed.
I like the idea that if I want a collectible, I work, make some money and buy it. Of course I had that highly sought after job of STOCKING SHELVES. Can't expect everyone to be able to find one of those or do well at it.
What a bunch of crap.

Personally I feel like there is too much assistance already. Especially coming from the government which has to be given out "equally".
I prefer private charities where you can target your donation. I don't want someone else deciding who deserves my money. There are people out there who feel bad for poor people who still have playstation 1 and think they need charity.
I think if you're on government assistance you should have to take monthly drug tests. When people get a JOB and WORK for their money they are subject to drug testing, but you can sit home, take drugs and get other people's money.

This country is based on ideas of freedom from government and the national dialog seems to be how we can let government coddle us and make our decisions for us. Give us health care, pay our mortgages, decide who makes too much and make everything "fair" and "equal". I believe that was called communism and it failed.
I like the idea that if I want a collectible, I work, make some money and buy it. Of course I had that highly sought after job of STOCKING SHELVES. Can't expect everyone to be able to find one of those or do well at it.

:lecture :lecture :lecture

Personally, I find the $37,000 I gave in income taxes last year (damn those higher tax-brackets!) as well as my usual charitable donations to the church, American Cancer Society, Goodwill, etc. is enough. I sleep easy at night and feel no guilt about the lifestyle I have. There are some worse-off, and others better-off. It's just the way it is.

Besides, Bill Gates doesn't give me any of his trillions to help me with my collectibles habit.

It's all relative. :lol
It's a tough subject to discuss. On the one hand, I do feel bad owning all this crap that is unnecessary to survive when so many can't even eat, yet on the other hand, I also see lots of money that could cure the problem pissed away in a world where people earn $100 million to play a sport, or misused government funds and hollywood stars making millions and only donating like $10,000 to charity.

Every year I spend a pretty good ammount on Toys for Tots as a way of giving back because I feel children need the help, they can't help themselves, some adults can and could but don't so I don't worry about that, but kids need a break and to feel like someone's got their back. My office thinks I'm nuts with the money I spend doing it, but for as much as I spend on myself, it's still a small percentage, but I feel better knowing a lot of kids will have the same good feeling on Christmas morning that my parents always gave me.
Charity begins at home. Me and my family come first.

My wife supports the breast cancer charity. she bought a £15 t-shirt in one shop, and only about £4 went to the charity. I was like WTF? where does the rest of the money go?
Why would I want to give away my already minimal resources to help people I'll never meet?
If someone I knew needed help then that would be a whole different story but I'm sick of all these countries like Africa that keep expecting the rest of the world to give them handouts.
i give when, how much and to who i feel like and buy what I want. I don't feel bad at all. we aren't and shouldn't feel obligated to give because if we are then that goes against what they are for. i do like to give most of what I do give to local charities though. i do not trust international charities and i feel i need to help take care of my own area until their needs are met. but then again if i didn't give anything to charity I wouldn't feel guilty.
in the netherlands i'm told you pay just as much tax as we do in america, but that includes health care, higher education costs and fair retirement benefits. can anyone from the netherlands confirm this and tell us how it works there? just ticks me off knowing that our tax dollars are pissed away foolishly. america could be so much more. imagine the possibilities.

We pay about 16 % taxes over our annual income. That DOESN'T include health care (healthcare costs have gone up considerably about a year ago, approx. € 100 a month), doesn't include higher education (although you get government support for that, partially) and you pay for your own retirement. Taxes are being spent on pretty much anything hehe, including (what the government things are) good causes.

The thing that pisses me off most is that the wealthiest family in the Netherlands (being the Royal Family) doesn't have to pay taxes at all. Instead they spend over a million Euro's every YEAR on tax money :mad:
I think we should all give our extra cash to the three Sex and the City hags and the one hot one.(That was for you Batty.:lol:lol:lol:lol)