What a bunch of crap.
Personally I feel like there is too much assistance already. Especially coming from the government which has to be given out "equally".
I prefer private charities where you can target your donation. I don't want someone else deciding who deserves my money. There are people out there who feel bad for poor people who still have playstation 1 and think they need charity.
I think if you're on government assistance you should have to take monthly drug tests. When people get a JOB and WORK for their money they are subject to drug testing, but you can sit home, take drugs and get other people's money.
This country is based on ideas of freedom from government and the national dialog seems to be how we can let government coddle us and make our decisions for us. Give us health care, pay our mortgages, decide who makes too much and make everything "fair" and "equal". I believe that was called communism and it failed.
I like the idea that if I want a collectible, I work, make some money and buy it. Of course I had that highly sought after job of STOCKING SHELVES. Can't expect everyone to be able to find one of those or do well at it.