Should we be giving money to charity instead of buying collectibles ?

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In theory we should give this extra money to charity (the first time I mistakenly typed "collectibles" :lol) but alot of the questions raised are very valid. Of course those are just rationalizations, every little bit helps. But I don't think any of us are selfish or doing wrong in not giving everything to charity. I think for alot of us spending money on collectibles is an escape for us. Without it we may very well go insane(r). Personally before anyone tells me to donate more to charity I think they should get on the case of politicians who spend millions of dollars to be elected president, and stars who spend millions of dollars to rent castles and have private jets. But I don't really think they are wrong or selfish either, they desrve the rewards of what they work for just as we do.
i don't think we should give to "charity" because in my opinion its a waste. when i think of giving money to charity i see it as those infomercials for the ministries. i work hard for my money, and deserve what i get. so in turn i spend it on what i want. however, since i work in the social services field i think taxes should be appropriated to those. i think the funds need to be spent on better housing, food, and health care.
why should we give to charity. i know there some unless unfortuante people. but i see alot of people when i go to work who could work jobs but would rather beg for money.i am going to spend my money on me and the charities i do give to will be for cancer research and shriners burn institute.other than that.
what else can i preorder.

also the dude on youtube did he see tom cruise just spent 35 million dollars on a house.
bug him for spending unwisely.
IMO all of us can easily do both. The way I see it donating around 2% of your total savings every year should be more than generous, if you have a constant savings of lets say $50,000 then you simply make a cheque of $1000 to a charity of your choice.

Most donations qualify as a tax right off too. I do both, donate a percentage of my savings once a year and buy collectibles. Heck even a $100 donation could go a long way too.

NOW, should people mind there ef'n business with what you and I do about charity? Absolutely, none of us are here to judge.
When you give, give with no strings attached, out of abundance. Being guilted into giving is not the right approach. I'm all for (legitimate) charities, but at least start off with being more generous to your loved ones first.. then donate any unwanted stuff.
here's the deal. ive completely worked my ass off through my short life for everything i got. i bought every car and truck on my own. i bought my house on my own. nobody has ever helped me buy anything. not friends and certainly not my family who think im the worst thing that ever happened to them. so if i want to waste what money i have left at the end of the day so be it. these people who say "give to charity" are probably the same ones whose parents buy them every car and pay for their schooling. whatever. i dont need people telling me how to spend my money.
Well, maybe we should take up a collection and send that guy a lil' money to get an education so he could find a better vocabulary to use for criticising us "geeks". I do what I want with my money, when I want and with whom I want. I don't need anyone telling me how to do the right thing, unless your name is Jesus. LOL