i can only show an ash head for now
dSLR ASH by 8-bit commando, on Flickr
dSLR ASH by 8-bit commando, on Flickr
Ash looks awesome K. Bowen
Hows the ACI body compare with a HT body?
Esp the forearms as in some pics they look big.
So I've been going back and forth whether I should sell my Beto/Pete Ash, mainly because I like Evil Dead much more than Evil Dead 2. I try to sculpt here and there and I also paint a little too. I wanted to change the Ash I have into Ash from Evil Dead. Here it is, of course I mean no disrespect to Beto or Pete with their amazing work, I wanted to see what I could do with it.
Wow dude that took some big coconuts
Came out good though
I would never screw with my Pete Ash for fear of wrecking it.
Looking good so far!
So I've been going back and forth whether I should sell my Beto/Pete Ash, mainly because I like Evil Dead much more than Evil Dead 2. I try to sculpt here and there and I also paint a little too. I wanted to change the Ash I have into Ash from Evil Dead. Here it is, of course I mean no disrespect to Beto or Pete with their amazing work, I wanted to see what I could do with it.
Figure looks great, but why change it to evil dead when evil dead 2 was so much better, lol..
mainly because I like Evil Dead much more than Evil Dead 2.
Figure looks great, but why change it to evil dead when evil dead 2 was so much better, lol..
It does look good though Turd!