Super Freak
What is the best store to get Blondie clothes and accesories? (I looked to Stevo's toys, but I would like to know if there is any alternatives).
If there's an answer to this question, I'd like to know.
What is the best store to get Blondie clothes and accesories? (I looked to Stevo's toys, but I would like to know if there is any alternatives).
i got mine from stevos, dont know of another source
Stevos Toys has the clothes???
I'm not aware of any ready made clothing sets. Battlegear has a number of clothing bits that can be used or modified. I also went with a pistol, belt and holster from Stevo's Toys and the Battlegear shotgun for mine.vialli said:Where can I get clothes for W.Munny (Unforgiven Clint)?
stevo has his gun,rig,poncho and vest, but out of all that id say the only thing worth getting is his vest, ive had everything else, his poncho is hard so it doesnt sit well plus its brown, and his rig is painted leather so it cracks everywhere.
try old days of yore, they sell some of his things i have their poncho on mine.
battle gear have his rig and boots( the best ones easily available )
his shirt and jeans couls be fairly easy bashable
Thanks for help K.bowen and L.Dan.
K.bowen, is try old old days poncho's better than stevo's in your opinion?
love the harmonica, is that bronson headsculpt still around
What is the best store to get Blondie clothes and accesories? (I looked to Stevo's toys, but I would like to know if there is any alternatives).
I make a decent poncho and vest if you're interested. You can check them out on T.Bowens Blondie..
Thanks, sorry for ignorance, but are you " old days of yore"?
Not that I know of, Spencer did a run of them a couple of years ago. He did tell me that he still had plans to make the Henry Fonda "Frank" sculpt to go along with Harmonica.
No, that's not me..
T.Bowen Blondie's poncho is from Old days of yore, according with his words. I don't undertand Where can I buy your poncho and vest??
T.Bowen Blondie's poncho is from Old days of yore, according with his words. I don't undertand Where can I buy your poncho and vest??
i know its confusing but you are looking at K.bowens blondie mine is back a few more pages.
page 8 and it says "a big thanks to bernard2002 for the poncho and vest "
Not that I know of, Spencer did a run of them a couple of years ago. He did tell me that he still had plans to make the Henry Fonda "Frank" sculpt to go along with Harmonica.
I'm sorry to correct you Bernard2002, but you keep referring to Spencer sculpting the Harmonica, when Russ Lukich aka Mr. Barlow, did the sculpt. He also did the Charles Bronson from "Death Wish".
Post #20 Russ talks about maybe doing Frank and Cheyenne, but that was over a year ago.