Show your Alien love! Post your pics!

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Time to bring this thread back from the dead.

I've been playing around with some photo editing software and figured I post some pics here.

I've also included an ALIENS dio that Reverend did for me a while ago.

Haven't quite figured out what to do with it yet though.
So, there are several different pieces in there for effect.

I tried going with a real on set "ALIEN" look for the Nostromo pics and an on set "ALIENS" look for the others.

Let me know what you think...







OK, I'll try to help the thread (hopefully) so here are some more of my aliens...

I am packing them all away until I have a place to display them again. When on display, I have placed different items in the hands of the top alien, i.e. a terminator skull, a predator mask, an alien skull, etc.
Jesus christ!

I mean that in the best way possible! Awesome set-up!

Dare I ask what's your favorite piece? The one you'd grab if there was a fire (knock wood) :)

Hehe. I'm glad you like the pix. :eek:
Well, I'd probably try to drag the entire cabinet out with me. But, it'd have to be the one with the SS Queen diorama in it. I really like my Queen. :monkey3
"This message is hidden because ALV427 is on your ignore list. "

That dude has been on my ignore list forever, so I can't even read what he posts. (not like it's ever worth reading)
"This message is hidden because ALV427 is on your ignore list. "

That dude has been on my ignore list forever, so I can't even read what he posts. (not like it's ever worth reading)

Angry Noob...enough said. :duh
ALV427, please keep your opinions relevant to the thread without regressing to childish, puerile and petty comments, which yours were.