nice collection and display
nice poses, i can't stand it when collectors buy high end figures and then display them pitifully
That's quite an impressive bat's collection you have Mag
Thanks guys!


That's the hardest I've laughed on the interwebz in a while.

Sig size rules, 500x150px.
Code:Signatures are restricted to an area no bigger than 800 by 150 pixels.
How lame. Thats a smart way to go if that encourages photo size signatures on mobile devices. And when was this changed?
Not sure as I only just started using sigs. It was definitely recent though, and it's not worked it way through the system yet I guess because my sig is getting auto resized still
Resized signatures are a huge pet-peeve of mine. I hate that big ugly yellow bar across the top. That's why all the sigs I use are always within the 150x500 limit. Anything larger will be resized.