Aww thats sucks.
We just picked up this little guy today, Chewbacca :
Our old cat Pixel is a bit apprehensive (he has retreated to my mancave) but none of them are aggresive. If anything. Chewie is a bit more cocky than Pixel aswell
Chewbacca seems to have gotten some sort of eye infection or irritation though, one of his eyes are a bit runny. So his first impression of us was that we cleaned his eye...but he seems to take it in stride.
We just picked up this little guy today, Chewbacca :

Our old cat Pixel is a bit apprehensive (he has retreated to my mancave) but none of them are aggresive. If anything. Chewie is a bit more cocky than Pixel aswell
Chewbacca seems to have gotten some sort of eye infection or irritation though, one of his eyes are a bit runny. So his first impression of us was that we cleaned his eye...but he seems to take it in stride.