Greatest Person Ever
Maybe we'll finally get that child you sick ____s have been clamoring for all these years... 

Shrunken Head Studios said:That's right I said it!!! 1:6TH ZOMBIES!!!
Good one!
Haha, whats the name of that movie?
Wow great anouncement! How many figures have you planned?
Haha, whats the name of that movie?
Wow, I've watched Returns many times and that didn't ring any bells for me.
Thank you, thank you!
All this excitement... Can anyone post pics of SHS's work? Zombies aren't my favorite... Some freak me out lol... But maybe a few to display with my Hot Toys Alice...
Huh? I thought the Dead was all Sideshow. Well if they can replicate their quality somehow into 1/6 figures, I'd probably be floored.
Dooley used to work for sideshow before he started SHS he did alot of great horror figures including all the old horror PFs like leatherface and the Freddy vs Jason PFs and slot of the 1/6 horror figures sideshow did Dooley is a very talented guy and so glad he is giving the 1/6 horror world some love
Lol I really really don't know horror. I've heard the name Jason pop up frequently, so I'm guessing he's a famous horror guy to be known by such a generic name. I think I remember seeing a patient zero from spooktacular.