I feel a Johnny Cash tune coming on... "I took it 1 piece at a time, and it didnt cost me a dime...."
But seriously, I know if I bought something like that I will end up having to pay 14% in taxes at the border which would come out to about 840 bucks more. I very highly doubt I could weasel that thing across the bridge without them noticing
Or I could BS them and say it cost me 1000 bucks or something, but knowing my luck they would find out and I would have to pay double the fees on what I didnt declare plus a fine. (I know somebody that has happened to)
Like you said, its an investment, If you buy one youre never gonna have to sell it for less than you paid for it. One that Solidsnake seen in Toronto was sold for 10,000. Not a bad return on your money, I would never sell something like that though. Thats the ideal centerpiece for any movie room.
Damn... no small, quiet backroads you could use!!?
I know what you mean about not selling it, I never would; it's going to go in the home theatre (whenever it gets built!) but a friend saw it today for the first time and suggested I could hire it out to shops or whatever as a display piece to put in their windows, but I'd be terrified of it getting damaged.