Ehh.. you guys should know by now - SSC are the approximation kings.![]()
In looking over a few figs I thought I'd catch up on, they do seem to have missed the bullseye (in terms of screen accuracy) on the head/helmet sculpts of Fett, IG-88, Bossk, stormtrooper and Vader... and upcoming, both 3PO and Biker Scout have some issues.
Fortunately they nailed the headsculpt on Luke X-Wing. Maybe if everything was $240 this would be fixed...

Kind of hard to be harp on it though - the inaccuracy is subtle and the rest of all the figs mentioned are pretty stellar.
General Grevious came out earlier this year at $250 which definately stung, but was mainly accepted after a three year wait for development and production. Vader also came out for this price and included numerous accessories (wanted or not) and was a huge jump from the previous big name release of Boba Fett in 2012 for $175. The pricing on these figures has climbed and will continue to do so. R2 almost feels like a steal now compared to the other figs.
3po's price is unfortunately a bit high, but is a reflection of the research and development that has been invested in him. Personally, i think he looks great, small inaccuracies aside, and will be part of my collection.
The pics shown of the two droids look fantastic, but if R2 was just a touch taller, they would be perfectly scaled to each other.
Can't wait for the po to be up!
I just hope SSC 3PO doesn't come out with a production finish looking like SSC's version of a certain artifact in your avatar.