Ebeneezer Jones
Super Freak
Makes for a good Die Hard body.

Makes for a good Die Hard body.
Finally caught up on this thread last night and after seeing everyone's pics optibotimus's and review, I'm leaning toward rolling the dice and seeing how this looks in hand although I'm still pretty torn. Everything is pretty much what I expected (or minimally hoped for at this price) the final to look like. Several aspects are far from perfect with a little room for improvement, but I expected that. My only big gripes are how the head has shrunk from the proto, and how high it sits on the neck.
It looks like the neck is too wide to fit inside the sculpt but has anyone tried to put the head on with either a shorter neck peg or without one all together?
It hasn't?? To me it's not just the stock hat, but even the way it appears without the hat that makes it seem smaller than the proto was.
But I think you're right. I'm gonna order if the coupon works. I don't know if it's something the cameras aren't catching or just plain ol' in hand presence, but it seems like everyone feels it looks better in hand.
It hasn't?? To me it's not just the stock hat, but even the way it appears without the hat that makes it seem smaller than the proto was.
But I think you're right. I'm gonna order if the coupon works. I don't know if it's something the cameras aren't catching or just plain ol' in hand presence, but it seems like everyone feels it looks better in hand.
I ordered with the coupon.
I love this figure! However, my right arm I found became loose at the armpit/shoulder and feels as though its about to come out of the socket. The left one is nice and tight in comparison. So I put in a request for a replacement piece I would assume it would be a full body replacement right? Because everything else on my figure is top notch no problems at all. Just the arm so hopefully SSC will get back to me soon. What are everyone else experiences with the time frame of getting a replacement part and how long the process takes? Pictures of the defect are below like I said it feels so close to coming out of the socket and there is something loose underneath the rubber chest piece as well I think some part of the plastic under body broke or separated:
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I made my post before I saw yours. I didn’t really investigate why the right arm feels so jiggly. But now that you point out that it could be a broken piece, I’m more concerned. I’ll take a look tonight. If it’s indeed broken then I will definitely want a replacement.
Great Indy shelf Mad Old Lu. I hate myself for saying this, but I actually think your Sideshow ROTLA Indy is the best looking of the four!!
And where did you get the torch for your HT Indy? I'd really like to get one of those for mine. Thanks.
Yeah I'm sorry yours might potentially be defective too but I'm also glad someone else can relate to it so quickly since I've only had the figure 48 hours lol. Well If yours is broken like I suspect mine is I hope we both are able to get replacements! But broken parts aside everything else about the figure is great and I love it so hopefully everyone else's bodies are good and this are just isolated cases. It doesn't hurt that I have a HT body with shirt/belt/pants/shoes combo shipping to me soon and HT Indy jacket in hand haha
It could be because that SS Indy is blurry that it looks good! The torch and dart are the original Sideshow exclusive--although my wife, who is a metalsmith, made me a new dart out of silver.
Do you hear a loose/broken part in the chest? I don't hear anything on mine. But it is extra loose for that little span, so maybe something got damaged in the shipping after all. Although part of me thinks it might just be a couple of screws that weren't tightened enough during production. But I see that you would have to take apart the rubber chest in order to get to any screws.
I love this figure! However, my right arm I found became loose at the armpit/shoulder and feels as though its about to come out of the socket. The left one is nice and tight in comparison. So I put in a request for a replacement piece I would assume it would be a full body replacement right? Because everything else on my figure is top notch no problems at all. Just the arm so hopefully SSC will get back to me soon. What are everyone else experiences with the time frame of getting a replacement part and how long the process takes? Pictures of the defect are below like I said it feels so close to coming out of the socket and there is something loose underneath the rubber chest piece as well I think some part of the plastic under body broke or separated:
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Okay, so I finally had time to open him up and check if there was any damage to the figure. I’m glad to report that everything was fine! So, just a smooshed box. I’m not going to bother trying to get a replacement from SS. It’s a shame I paid so much for the set and the box is less than perfect, but realistically the box just ends up in storage—like in the end of Raiders!
Anyway, I very happy to say that I think the figure is truly great! The headsculpt is by far the best Sideshow has ever produced. The likeness is one of the better HFs, and the paint and finish is great, especially for Sideshow. Better than HT? I’m afraid not quite. However, whereas before Sideshow was barely learning to crawl while HT was running a marathon, at least now Sideshow is in the same race!
The clothes are very well done and well tailored and the accessories and the body are pretty good. The new whips are beautiful.
I do have several criticisms about it, though. The hairline is obviously the worst part of the figure. It’s really poorly executed. Luckily, you can just have him with the hat on—which brings us to another problem with the figure. The hat is pretty bad. The shape is wrong, the brim isn’t molded with enough swoosh, and it looks too big on him. However, at viewing distance (about 1-2 feet), I find that I’m not bothered by the hat much if at all. I was going to try modding one of my extra Raiders hats, but now I won’t bother because I’m fine with the hat IRL. Some of the weathering could be better. My wife got a good laugh at how “perfect” the tear was on his knee. Someone was asking earlier if certain limbs were loose: my right shoulder is very loose, but only for about a quarter of an inch or so. It’s when his arm is hanging straight down that I find that looseness, when going from straight down to lifting outward. It almost jiggles in place. But once you get past that little window of looseness, it’s fine. The right elbow could be a little bit stiffer, but it’s passable. And various wrist pegs are a little on the loose side. All the other joints are very tight, especially the left arm. The head and neck are also very stiff and a little hard to move. There’s some flashing on the hands, which seems very sloppy for a product at this level. The arm and chest seem a little plastic-y too, but that shiny sheen could be seen as sweat. And the shirt buttons are little dots instead of the real buttons that HT used (although HT’s were a bit oversized).
But something happens when you take the full figure in. It really looks very impressive. I’ll come right out and say it: Despite the flaws, it’s better than Hot Toy’s Indy. If the hat was better, it would absolutely, unequivocally be better than HT’s. But the hat really takes it all down a half a notch. Personally though, I think this Indy is the best of the bunch. Having them all next to each other really brings out the flaws on all the other Indys, including HT’s.
I know it’s a cliche around here, but seriously, this one looks so much better in person than it does in pictures. As I was taking photos, I would look at them and be perplexed at how different and how much worse the figure looked in the photo vs what I was seeing right in front of me.
I have one question. I’ve seen plenty of pictures here that have Indy holding the machete in his right hand, but for the life of me I could not put it in there! I know I’m using the correct, slightly more open grabbing hand, but there’s no way that machete will go in. I’m afraid to really force it, even though to me it doesn’t look like it would go in at all even with brute force. So can the machete go in without causing damage? How?!?
I love this figure! However, my right arm I found became loose at the armpit/shoulder and feels as though its about to come out of the socket. The left one is nice and tight in comparison. So I put in a request for a replacement piece I would assume it would be a full body replacement right? Because everything else on my figure is top notch no problems at all. Just the arm so hopefully SSC will get back to me soon. What are everyone else experiences with the time frame of getting a replacement part and how long the process takes? Pictures of the defect are below like I said it feels so close to coming out of the socket and there is something loose underneath the rubber chest piece as well I think some part of the plastic under body broke or separated:
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I'm trying to ignore the backdrop there.
Great mini review, Lu (helping my decision...) - and I love seeing all your Indy's! One question - when you say not better than HT, you mean in terms of paint/finish or in terms of head's not as good as the HT Indy head?
Great mini review, Lu (helping my decision...) - and I love seeing all your Indy's. One question - when you say not better than HT, you mean in terms of finish or in terms of not as good as the HT Indy head?