An interesting by-product of "Solo: A Star Wars Story" is that it does actually take some of the heat off the SW:SE and I can't imagine that it was by accident. The SE robbed Han of "shooting first" in his first film and it also provided a lame first reveal of the Falcon.
But if you watch Solo first then he does shoot first and the Falcon does get a sweet first reveal.
Well even if you accept that as the true first reveal, it still leaves Luke's first introduction to it feeling weird and anticlimactic in ANH. Especially with that music buildup pretending as if we hadn't already seen it a couple scenes before.
Anyway, that's just one more reason why I only ever watch the Harmy versions now.
just saw a pic of Jabba posted on FB collector group, have to say he looks impressive in hand...
I decided to stop being lazy and just go ahead and finish my old Jabba repaint. Here's another before and after.
View attachment 440066
PT creates so many sads:
Darth not "Darth"
Fett not really the only "Fett"
Jabba not Jabba
Emperor is really Sidious, another "Darth"
Tarkin didn't create the Death Star
To mention just a few...
Tarkin didn't create the Death Star
But he ruthlessly stole it for his own personal gain and actually used it to assassinate the creator and his potential rival, that should count for something....![]()
Thanks, icruise. Why do you say that Sideshow repainting wouldn't be viable? The paint app they used for the new Jabba could've been applied to the old sculpt. Having the previous mold (without having to pay for a new sculpt), and simply painting new casts would likely mean that the price point could be much lower than a whole new Jabba. Doing a new sculpt could then be something SSC could do later down the line to double dip. Maybe I just don't understand the process enough to have an informed opinion, but I think they could sell quite a few old Jabbas as "Version 2" before asking people to plunk down close to a grand for a whole new figure and throne.