Stay clear of X-Plus Godzillas then, talk about rip off prices for hollow vinyl.
My guess is looking at photos like this.
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Too lazy to read- but is that polystone? The price doesn't even factor in shipping.
Some day, I'll get someone to repaint my Jabba...
Honestly, I keep considering a pre-order because of the real pillows. I just love those little pillows, guys.
Too lazy to read- but is that polystone? The price doesn't even factor in shipping.
Yep agreed. The price is crazy. I’m wondering if the throne is polystone or something that’s making it more.I don't care how much work they put into it, that price is asinine. $500 tops.
I have the original Jabba and throne, but will probably get this. It looks to be a nice upgrade with more display options. $800 is steep, but not unexpected these days. No doubt there will be more reissues coming, because it's a pretty easy cash grab. That's fine, especially if they make improvements along the way. However, I'd like to see SS produce new SW aliens.
In description on the SS listing it specifies the materials as PVC & the weight is TBD. I doubt it is solid like the originals polystone and more plastic. The original weighs 40 lbs.
Didn't they do the same thing with the Han Carbonite? The original with the Jabba palace background was polystone, and the new cloud city Carbon chamber base is plastic, no?
Here's the originals listing..