These are great... and terrible. The heads and lights are great, the blasters are good and the bandoliers are wonderful. Love the inner costumes.
Cloaks are so-so. Is it screen accurate to have the hoods separate?
Everyone says the bodies are terrible, but it's not just the floppiness, it's the scale - they're both too tall, and that's because they're not jawa bodies but hobbit bodies. Presumably the extreme floppiness is a feature of the outdated design and moulds they used.
If they hadn't re-used those bodies then maybe these figures wouldn't have been economically viable and we wouldn't have got them at all, but the trouble is that there's very, very few options for upgrading the bodies.
On balance I'd rather have jawas with terrible bodies than no jawas, but it's still indefensible to charge so much for a product that feels so cheap and nasty and is basically made possible by using warmed over bodies from a different era. You feel cheated.