I've only turned them on twice. Not much of a fan of lights on figures anyways. There's other nits but I always had a soft spot for Jawas so these were something I couldn't pass up.
nestles coco rocking the stands! you are killing it with those brother!Yeah, paid full retail too. I'd loved to have gotten the set with a $25 coupon but I still definitely don't regret buying them. They look great in the ANH collection.
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Even 50 bucks off and I couldn't bring myself to buy these floppy-bodied midgets.
I realized I needed four Jawas - palm frond dude and Jabba dog dude for my Jabba's Palace dio, a "hero" Jawa for the ANH 12 set-up, and one to go along side my custom R5 and HT power droid - and I just couldn't make more than two custom Jawas, so had to buy two.
Is $170 a great deal? Not really. As I said before, at $170 for the Jawas and $180 for the ATAT driver I felt like I was paying about what they "should" be in the context of Sideshow's price run-ups of the past five years.
$220 and $210 was just too far above that $125 to $140 to $170 trajectory they were on (it was $175 for a quite complex Boba one minute... then boom, everything no matter how simplistic was over $200) - and they just aren't worth that. $170-ish I'm kind of okay with.
I hope HT does a Jawa 2-pack pretty soon as Jawas are a bit like R2's to me - you need quite a lot of them to fully cover the OT (I currently have an R2 with Luke Bespin, an R2 with 3PO, and an R2 with drinks tray for ANH, ESB and ROTJ.) I'd like to have three Jawas next to the ANH droids set-up, so fingers crossed HT does some.
Lots of people seem to like multiples of these guys, which I would say makes it pretty much a certainty that HT will do them. But although the bodies and robes are terrible the various belts/ bandolier are amazing so it's worth picking those up.
Interested to see how bad the bodies are on mine. One of the SSC Yoda bodies I got started to fall apart too, but at least the joints remained tight. It's weird - Jawas aren't exactly action pose guys - the most they do is just kind of stand and aim weapons. Surely you could make a body that can do something so limited, especially if you're going to charge $220.![]()