The Ringer
Super Freak
Looks good Threatz.
yeah its the whip holder that broke but i can't find the little magnet!
Off topic but I'm not going to start a new thread but i had to share that I just got back from seeing Raiders of the Lost Ark on the big screen tonightMy buddy runs a theater and they are showing the original version of raiders all this weekend. Forget how much the theater experience changes a movie, no matter how many times I've seen this movie. The sound was LOUD and the truck chase almost made me tear up in joy. If any of you Minnesota Freaks are interested, the theater is in Cold spring (about 20 minutes outside St. Cloud). Can't recommend it enough and showings are Thurs at 7, Fri, Sat, Sun at 5. Going again Saturday with my brother and his kids.
It was a small private screening with 8 people, so it was great to clap and clear when Harrison Ford makes his first close up. One of the guys never saw it beforeand was blown away. And all the girls got their Harrison Ford crushes on again. No wonder in the 80's every boy wanted to be him and every girl wanted to be with him.
No kidding right? He's 19 but I find that to be of little excuse. Trust me, we gave him nothing but s^^T. I told him if he liked Indy, he may want to check out a small art film called Star Wars, not many have seen it, but those who have seem to like it.
I haven't worked on mine in awhile. Still a bunch of stuff I want to add but I like him up on the top shelf in my room. Even my wife likes the set up.
I haven't worked on mine in awhile. Still a bunch of stuff I want to add but I like him up on the top shelf in my room. Even my wife likes the set up.
I knew the body is floppy but that is nothing that can´t be fixed.
Aside from switching the body, how can the floppy be fixed.
(sorry if this has already been discussed ad nauseum here)