Looks FANTASTIC, now just ship to me already!
Only downside, DAMN DOLL DOT

Only downside, DAMN DOLL DOT

Pics by Tin from Toy-world.com.hk
Great looking pics! Even though Sideshow isn't pumping out 12" figures, it is putting out quality. I can't wait to get it.
Now bring on Toht!
They are good, but SS has a slew of very talented artists.
Pics by Tin from Toy-world.com.hk
Hmm, I'm just not feeling this as much as the rest of you seem to be, and it annoys me that I can't put my finger on what I don't like about the paint job. Too heavy on the eyeliner maybe? The lips might be a bit too dark, the eyebrows and hairline not feathered enough? It's annoying, but in these shots for some reason I'm reminded of the Medicom sculpt/paintjob (not the body/costume/accessories) and I wasn't a huge fan of how that turned out.
EDIT: I've realised it's not the Medicom the paint job reminds me of, it's the SSC prototype (I knew it was a figure I'd seen pics of). These pics look a lot like it (obviously!) but I was never a fan of how that paint job made the sculpt look.