Super Freak
This is definitely my favourite repaint so far - thanks for posting these. I LOVE the blood on the knuckles.
If you have time, could you go into some details about how you did it/ what you used, and in particular how you redid the stubble? Thanks.
Thanks a lot. I'm really having a great time with this figure and enjoy seeing what everyone is doing with him.
I wanted to capture the look Indy had from the Flying Wing fight to the truck chase. These scenes left an indelible impression on me as a kid and sum up what Indy is all about. It was the first movie fight I saw where blood went flying. I remember thinking: "That's what it would really be like."
Used acrylic for a complete head repaint. I'm not completely happy with the beard yet and may try it again. I really look forward to seeing what someone with Darren's experience can do. Once I had my basic flesh tone mixed and the face basically covered I began adding a little black and brown to it to get subtle gradations to add to the stubble area. I even tried brushing individual whiskers for while before deciding they would be too big. In reality, the beard I painted doesn't hold up to well at extreme close-up. Dry brushing vs. individual strokes seems like the way to go for me but again I can't wait to see what others do.
Once I had the general shape of the beard down, it seemed a little too dark so I actually dry brushed some of the flesh color back on top to tone it down. I'm a big fan of pastels so I used a touch of red and orange for his cheeks, ears, and nose to add some blush and a tan. I used black and brown pastels to soften the beard and to add some finer gradations.
Hope that makes sense. PM me for more details.
For the shirt I dropped a little black and brown acrylic in some water. I soaked the shirt a few times and let it dry. I repeated this until it look the right color and suitably grimy. Once it was dry I added sweat stains to the chest, back, and arm pits.
I used sand paper to wear the belt and pants. The jacket was hours of kneeding and general scrunching. It didn't take sand paper too well.
I then dry brushed light brown and gray acrylic all over him. I'd actually like to add more dust to his shoulders.
Can't wait to see what others do. There are endless variations that people can do with Indy and I'm loving what I've seen so far. Indy is a great figure to start learning to weather because you can't really mess him up. He just gets better looking the more beat up he is.