Do you bother with the leg and arm wrapping or just leave that on the SS body?It's the bespin Luke narrow shoulder. I do not know what that translates to the TT Models .Wedged a AOU Hawkeye neck. Wanted to get a body that slouches the shoulders well, the raider looks great hunched and that body is effective for that natural bend.
Do you bother with the leg and arm wrapping or just leave that on the SS body?
I wouldn't pay $175 for a standard version, just have some patience, these things are still selling for fairly cheap on Ebay if you watch them for any amount of time.
Is this your first one? I highly recommend the body swaps if you have a spare TT. Also soak all of the cloths and applylet dry. They are too poofy out of the box. Those two things take the figure to the next level.
No mate I took it offJames, did you leave the foam padding and body suit on there?
Well, Sideshow sent me a waitlist conversion e-mail on this, adjusted it to an active order and now they cancelled it and said it's no longer available. Boy I tell ya.
Had the chance to snap a new shot of this one outside...still one of my favorite Sideshow figures...
View attachment 244639
So, I'm sure most on this thread have had their TR for a while - i've been looking for one. Prices on ebay are fairly nuts. Found one elsewhere for about $280. I doubt there is a new one coming from HT or SS, this just too much for this figure? I know a body mod is almost a neccesity - I'm fine with that. Thoughts?
[...]I wouldn't put it past SSC to rerelease it either given the Boba and Probe Droid releases and then you've thrown your money away.