Up for preorder for 1,050 euros at a favorite EU reseller. Ouch.
Good idea. This could result in some insane creature sculpts. Even still, they wouldn't sell very well at these prices without any attachment to a film. I'd only pay that for a giraffe alien lol.If they're coming up with their own Aliens I would rather see Aliens that comes from different types of animal hosts. I remember the old Kenner figures, there were stuff like Gorilla Alien and Rhino Alien etc. It might sound ridiculous at first but the Xenomorphs are not supposed to have one true form, basically after the facehugger impregnates the host their DNA is mixed and the Alien that bursts out will take some resemblance of the host. If you think about it the only reason why the Aliens tend to look humanoid is because the hosts were always humans in the movies. (except A3 which did have the dog Alien.)
There's a lot of potential of what could happen if facehuggers get to other animals, I think that's the only part I felt was not explored enough in the movies, I want to see the aliens use different types of species as hosts and to see what kind of crazy creature comes out of it.
three blind men studied an elephant...If the Xeno's have qualities taken from insects then that can mean they have multiple attributes taken from all types of insects, or perhaps they truly are Alien. In that there is still very little info on the Xeno's social structure.
Alien giraffe would be epic!Good idea. This could result in some insane creature sculpts. Even still, they wouldn't sell very well at these prices without any attachment to a film. I'd only pay that for a giraffe alien lol.
I have totally missed the idea behind this... Why this is done. Is that actually mentioned in some Alien universe storyline?
The Rogue Xenomorph is an alien created by Rogue, a mad scientist. The Rogue Xenomorph is also frequently called the King Xenomorph on the internet because of the tooltip in the strip that says: "AN ALIEN KING.".
In the comic Aliens: RogueEdit
Rogue, a mad scientist, engineered the Rogue Xenomorph: a male designed as a weapon to rival the Queen caste, and thus help rid Earth of its alien infestation.
The Rogue escaped and wreaked havoc until it was torn apart by a Queen.
In the book Aliens: RogueEdit
The Rogue was believed to be more powerful than the Queen.
Ernst Kleist, the scientist who engineered it, is shocked to find the Queen is in fact the superior specimen: The Rogue is larger and stronger, but the Queen's superior speed and intellect enable her to easily dodge the Rogue's brutish attacks, while she slowly wears it down and finally slaughters it (Kleist is subsequently killed when he uses a sound cannon on the Queen until it goes critical, destroying the asteroid base he is on). The Rogue is seemingly much more aggressive, and mercilessly attacks smaller Xenomorph castes. Kleist finds the crushed corpses of the Queen's elite Praetorian guard.
Interestingly, the Rogue appears to have been engineered to ignore humans. When exposed to one, the Rogue examined him closely, but did not attack, and finally it ignored him completely. This may be due to the Rogue caste not having as strong a sense to use humans to breed as the Queen caste. Or maybe its simply because the human prisoner was un-armed and restrained so posed no threat. The Rogue's recklessness is also shown when it destroys the barrier that separates the Alien sector and the Human sector, allowing alien drones to pour into the human sector.