The Batman PF looks pretty generic to me and not nearly as dynamic as the DCD similar piece. Sure the base of the DCD wasn't great, but the SSC is going with yet-another-gargoyle. I'm tired of gargoyles. And tired of superheroes standing around. The face looks more like he smelled something bad than anything else.
The Green Lantern statue reminds me a lot of the very nice DCD GL vs. Sinestro statue, which, on the one hand, is a good thing since I like that statue, but on the other hand isn't that original.
The Chris Reeve sketches remind me of the Reeve action figure that just came out. Whether it's a statue or another action figure, this will be an easy pass for me.
The Superman sketch under the Reeve sketch looks nice in that it's got the classic suit, but a little blah since it's just Superman standing around. At least the Reeve sketch looks a bit more dynamic.
The Wonder Woman sketch is very nice, but again it's just her standing around on a very nice base.
It's great to see a Flash sketch. But I'm disappointed that DC's arguably most dynamic character is shown putting on his costume. Doesn't he do that at super speed while it's shooting out of his ring? Why not show him running or anything but standing around.
It's nice to see Aquaman too, and nice to see a more dynamic pose, but the pose and base are derivative of the great DCD Aquaman dynamics piece.
The full scale Superman bust looks fairly generic at this stage and not nearly as nice as the Art Department (google it) Alex Ross inspired 1:2 scale Superman bust.
I hope things improve a lot between these in-development pictures and the final products. Given all the hype around SSC I expected more.