1/6 Sideshow GI Joe line on Hiatus

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If Sideshow doesn't have to pay Hasbro for the license unless they sell figure, then couldn't Hasbro just take it back?

I don't really understand what you're asking and I have no idea how we could be privy to the information required to answer what you're asking, but whatever the situation is capable of becoming, right now they are the license holder and they are not producing figures. They have no new figures planned. They could in the future if they so choose.
Some had said that sideshow may not have to pay Hasbro unless they produce and sell figures.What I was trying to say if sideshow is not making anything gi joe and Hasbro is not making money can't they just take the license back
I see what you're saying. I guess what threw me was what the others are talking about. Sideshow is refraining from closing the door completely, so they still appear to have full possession of the rights. That fact, however, is beside the point: for all intents and purposes (I'll leave room for miracles) the Sideshow 1:6 G.I.Joe line is dead.

And for anyone who wants to keep dreaming, go right ahead. Dream your little hearts out. It's not going to change anything, but I'm sure dreaming never hurt anyone. Just don't try to tell me I'm jumping to conclusions or have inadequate sources. I don't. It's dead as zombies. Only thing left is to shoot it in the head.
Instead we got:

Blown up corner of a house environment.
Generic wall in in the desert environment.
Generic jungle thing environment.
The other blown up corner of a house environment.
Some big computer thingy for Hawk environment.

Why not the Cobra Battle Bunker? GIJoe Missile/Machine Gun/Mortar Defense Units that were, you know, part of GIJoe????

Oh and don't forget, out of proportion looking Baroness statue with worst thin rimmed glasses in history...in 3 different colors.

WTG Sideshow!!

:lol :lol :lol
Instead we got:

Blown up corner of a house environment.
Generic wall in in the desert environment.
Generic jungle thing environment.
The other blown up corner of a house environment.
Some big computer thingy for Hawk environment.

Why not the Cobra Battle Bunker? GIJoe Missile/Machine Gun/Mortar Defense Units that were, you know, part of GIJoe????

Oh and don't forget, out of proportion looking Baroness statue with worst thin rimmed glasses in history...in 3 different colors.

WTG Sideshow!!
I love the Flint/Zartan diorama. Sure, that was the only statueish thing they produced that I had any interest in, but. . .I support their decision to do statues for that reason alone. And if the 1/6 line was collateral damage because of that, then so be it!

Like the following crapfest accusing people who are discussing the topic and not insulting one another of childish banter and accusing us of throwing temper tantrums? It's getting old and tiresome that you cannot give your opinion on pretty much anything anymore without someone attacking YOU for having the opinion.

Accept when the whole topic is a rumor and idol gossip. then it's not an opinion anymore it's just it's just fat for the fire to keep the flames going. and what i am responding to is the comments that seem to demonstrate just that.




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Not you exactly (I was using your sarcasm to make a point) more at guys like Lerath who still think everyone just thinks the sky is falling. It's over for Joe, people. Accept it.
you're right. what am i thinking. Just like when everyone said it was over for star wars, becuase we hadn't heard anything in 6 months last year.

Then they announced luke, han, and a probot.

I'm not saying it is, and i'm not saying it isn't. i'm saying that untill we hear something official from sideshow eiither way, we don't know anything at all.
Going to repat, once more that sideshow NEVER SAID the line was " on hold" or in Hiatus. Those comments came from a mod on Hisstank.
You mean when like when those new Indiana Jones figures are ready after 3 years? Yeah, right, sweetie. We've heard it all before.

YUP, back when sideshow was a different company, with different people working there, with different policies in place. you know, like, talking to us.

When did we ever hear anything reliable that didn't come from CAHobbit in the past 5 years?
When did we ever hear anything reliable that didn't come from CAHobbit in the past 5 years?

Come on now. Alex is fantastic and reliable. Just because she can't spell thing out for everyone or things she says might happen don't doesn't mean she isn't reliable. If anything she's one of the most reliable people I know who still works at SS.
Come on now. Alex is fantastic and reliable. Just because she can't spell thing out for everyone or things she says might happen don't doesn't mean she isn't reliable. If anything she's one of the most reliable people I know who still works at SS.

Thought Alex WAS CAHobbit?
Then as I Said, when have we heard anything reliable that came from ANY SOURCE OTHER THAN HER?

Also, are you saying he is correct that sideshow said they have NO FIGURES PLANNED? Where did this miraculous statment crop up from? i thought the statments was there would be no new figures on display at SDCC this year, as they had no new protos ready. not that no figures were being planned.

If I'm wrong, please direct me to the source of the information, and let me see it.
No problem :D Alex is generaly very cool, and about the only source for sideshow i trust these days. if it crops up anywhere else, i view it as scuttlebutt. that includes the RARELY answered QnA's, which is appearently where this info originated, AFAIK.
She's great and am glad she's still active. The last of the old guard of SS folks I know who are still there or active.
Well, SDCC is coming. Wonder what sideshow is going to show! We'll come to know preview night I suppose but I still can't wait.

Josh, are you going?
This discussion would all end if someone from Sideshow in the know would chime in and say "more figures coming" or "It's over guys"

I don't understand why Sideshow doesn't at least care enough to make any kind of statement about it...paying customers want to know!