Broke and happy
Re: Upcoming Sideshow GODZILLA Collectibles
I'm actually not loving the pose, myself. It kind of looks like the upper half and lower half of his body were sculpted with a different movement in mind. Something about it doesn't quite line up for me... I'm not sure how else to put it. *scratches head* But, for the price they're going to ask - if I'm not head over heels for their sculpt, forget it. Affordability aside.
I think it works, he's in like a forward moving pose and then his upper body turns back to roar at something behind him before turning and his tail curls to twist around.
Movie was a snoozefest.
Enter to win, I'm crossing fingers and really hoping.
You've never won, if you had you would know.I must of entered hundreds of their contest and never win anything. I alwasy wonder if you are the winner, how much of an efort does sideshow make to contact you. Is it only one email? Do they use the same eamil address from the newsletter? What if your junk filter drops the winner notification, even though you receive all the other Sideshow junk mail.
movie is phenomenal. go see it imax 3d.