Super Freak

Is this the blue one or the brown one?

Alex is this correct?
The options are:
1. Han in brown coat
2. Han in brown coat with extra head sculpt
3. Han in blue coat with extra head sculpt
Exclusive version 1 would include both head sculpts.
That's a bingo!
Hm, but I thought the Exclusive for #2 is the fact that it has two head sculpts?
So 1 and 2 are the same you just have to chose what color coat?
The blue coat has not been designated as an exclusive simple as that.
Alex is this correct?
The options are:
1. Han in brown coat
2. Han in brown coat with extra head sculpt
3. Han in blue coat with extra head sculpt
pretty lame if you ask me, so i will need to buy a parted out brown jacket for accuracy sake if i buy the exclusive head...so $300 figure now?