And while we're at it, yes, there'll also be PFs of Magneto, Daredevil, Loki, Thanos, Blade, Phoenix and whatever other popular character that hasn't come yet that always get asked about. There's usually less than 7 Marvel PFs per year, and less than that for maquettes and LSFs, and a lot of characters to tackle, so it takes a while. Iron Man already has 2 comiquettes, 2 maquettes, an assortment of various busts, etc, so he has to wait.
I remember SS had one of those collage images last year with Extremis Iron Man. Anybody have a scan of that?
I was hoping it'd be a PF (cuz that 1st comiquette was NOT Extremis like so many think), but in Ask SS they said they had BIG plans for Extremis...seems it could be a LSF instead.