The Scout and Speederbike PF is another good example. They made 1500 of those things! It's a wonderful piece and I really like mine, but if they had produced five or six hundred instead of 1500, it would be a grail. As it is, they still can't even sell out of them on their site with a discount.
Or rather during their duel... check it out here
Still funny though after an over 2 hour movie, that split moment of time was the "iconic" pose they chose. HA!
And still having the switchout pistol doesn't make sense if that was the moment in the film they picked since that would have been in Jabba's Palace... with his cloak still on.
I am getting this, but agree this is about the last pose I would expect for a ROTJ Luke. I wonder what pose they will choose for a bespin version?
I don't think they've done non-battery PFs since the Vader and Obi-Wan PFs.
Apologies for bumping this with no updates, but has anyone heard anything about a release date more specific than 2nd quarter?
Thanks Incurable.
Personally, I love the pose. Too many statues have that cliche poses.
I mainly collect 1/6 and my favorite thing out of collecting is finding that cool pose.
I was able to recently acquire the ANH Luke and was pleasantly surprised how it looked once I had it in hand. Pictures dont do it justice. So I was kinda upset at myself at first for thinking I missed an opportunity getting jedi Luke.
I'm certainly glad some people cancelled their pre-order which opened up one for me to snag on. It was funny I kept hitting refresh on my screen thinking the pre-order was wrong, that it was a mistake as I could have sworn i checked before and remember both versions sold out, so I freaked out when I was able to pre-order.