Yeah, the regular head could use more expression of some sort. Make it something clear and understandable. What exactly is she feeling? I have the same issue with Nick Fury. Bump that slight sneer into a full fledged scowl.
Yeah, I read that and commented on it. I like the idea. As for MH, I think if the stare is supposed to be one with any emotion at all, it doesn't really show through very well. Sort of like a mannequin. Nick just looks a little sleepy and bored. I still like these pieces, don't get me wrong. I just think they could be a bit better with some easy changes.I see on the Reg. Version Head a Thousand Mile Stare as to look at her new Victim, I think they should have made the Reg. Version Head with the short hair look like the Viper Head Version.
As for Nick they could have also had him holding 2 guns straight armed in front of him, standing Tall and a Pissed Off look.
Yeah, the regular head could use more expression of some sort. Make it something clear and understandable. What exactly is she feeling? I have the same issue with Nick Fury. Bump that slight sneer into a full fledged scowl.
Yeah, I read that and commented on it. I like the idea. As for MH, I think if the stare is supposed to be one with any emotion at all, it doesn't really show through very well. Sort of like a mannequin. Nick just looks a little sleepy and bored. I still like these pieces, don't get me wrong. I just think they could be a bit better with some easy changes.
Yeah, I read that and commented on it. I like the idea. As for MH, I think if the stare is supposed to be one with any emotion at all, it doesn't really show through very well. Sort of like a mannequin. Nick just looks a little sleepy and bored. I still like these pieces, don't get me wrong. I just think they could be a bit better with some easy changes.
Hey, quad. I'm pretty sure this isn't part of the WoM line.while it looks great, it reminds me to much of rogue.
anyone know if this is suppose to be part of the women of marvel line, or just a stand alone piece![]()
hmmm, not sure if i'm going to order this one, i've always ordered pretty much every female character. there's just something about the all green scheme that isn't sitting well with me.
i know it's a silly nit pick but it's my nit pick.![]()
any who....
if you dont know the character, gtfo.
otherwise, Sideshow should have sculpted the hair hiding her right side of her face covering her scar.
That was a nice surprise.Thank You for listening to ME, Sideshow.
Looks great and so many added the detail of the sculpt and comic accuracy.